Saturday, 17 March 2012

警方拘留《Kony 2012》的制作者

译者 恶瞳

SAN DIEGO — A co-founder of Invisible Children, the nonprofit organization whose video “Kony 2012” has become an Internet sensation, was detained by the San Diego police on Thursday, after they said he was found in the street in his underwear, screaming and interfering with traffic.

圣地亚哥——本周四,非营利组织Invisible Children的联合创始人,Jason Russell被圣地亚哥警方逮捕。该组织制作的短片《Kony 2012》近日成为互联网上一大现象。警方声称Jason Russell被发现时只穿着内衣在街上大声尖叫并扰乱交通。


Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters

Brendan Mcdermid(路透社供图)

The police said Jason Russell was hospitalized, not charged.

 警方声明贾森·罗素(Jason Russell)只是住院接受治疗,并没有被起诉。

The police found Jason Russell, the filmmaker behind the video, after responding to calls about a man who was acting irrationally, including one call that alleged he was naked and masturbating, a San Diego police spokeswoman said. He was taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment, and the police have no plans to charge him.

 一位圣地亚哥警方发言人表示,他们找到该短片的制作者Jason Russell是因为接到一些举报电话。这些电话都是关于一个行为异常的男人,其中有一通电话更声称Jason Russell裸着身体并且还在打飞机(囧,和谐啊)。随后,Jason Russell被送往医院接受评估和治疗。警方还没有起诉他的打算。

“It’s our belief that a medical condition would explain his irrational behavior as opposed to criminal intent,” said Lt. Andra Brown, the spokeswoman. “If we thought he was under the influence, we wouldn’t have taken him to a hospital; we would have taken him to jail.”

警方发言人 Lt. Andra Brown还表示:“我们相信是内科疾病的原因导致他不理智的行为,并不是因为有犯罪意图。如果我们认为他有犯罪意图,不会只把他送往医院,我们已经把他关进监狱了。”

The 30-minute “Kony 2012” video has been viewed nearly 80 million times on YouTube since March 5. It has thrust a sudden celebrity upon Mr. Russell, 33, who narrates the video and appears in it with his young son, appealing to viewers to bring more attention to the Ugandan warlordJoseph Kony and advocating his arrest.

 自从3月5日《Kony 2012》被放上YouTube后,这部30分钟的短片已经被播放了近8000万次。这使得该片的叙述者,33岁的Russell一夜成名。在片中,他和年幼的儿子一起出现提出要逮捕乌干达军阀Joseph Kony,这吸引了更多的注意力。

That success has brought criticism of Invisible Children for the way it spends its money, for a photograph of its founders, including Mr. Russell, holding rifles, and for other matters.

随着 短片的成功传播,对Invisible Children的批评声也接踵而至。民众对该组织使用捐款的方式,一张创始人举着步枪的照片及其他一些事情都产生了质疑。

That criticism took its toll on Mr. Russell, according to his wife, Danica Russell, who released a statement Friday.

 根据Russell的妻子,Danica Russell周五发表的一则声明,这种批评声给Russell带来了伤害。

While the attention the film has drawn has brought increased awareness of Mr. Kony, Ms. Russell said, “it also brought a lot of attention to Jason — and because of how personal the film is, many of the attacks against it were also very personal, and Jason took them very hard.”


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