Tuesday 3 January 2012


译者 江烈农

Workers claim abuse as China adds Zimbabwe to its scramble for Africa

Workers on Robert Mugabe's pet construction project say they suffer regular beatings and miserable pay and conditions

David Smith in Harare

guardian.co.uk, Monday 2 January 2012 20.01 GMT



2012年1月2日《卫报》(The Guardian)世界新闻版报道

作者:大卫·史密斯(David Smith)


Robert Mugabe is welcomed to Beijing by the Chinese president, Hu Jintao. China plans to invest up to $10bn in Zimbabwe over the next five years, more than in any other country. Photograph: Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images

图为国家主席胡景涛欢迎津巴布韦总统穆加贝访华。中方计划未来五年内向津巴布韦投资,金额高达一百亿美元。津巴布韦目前已成为未来几年中国海外投资额最高的一个国家。 | 图片:彼得·帕克斯(Peter Parks)/法新社/盖蒂图片(Getty Images)

In the evening gloom the vast complex emerges into view. Beyond a high security wall, insects dance in the beam of a giant floodlight. Men are still hard at work in the skeletons of concrete tower blocks, and standing at the centre of it all is the arch of a Chinese pagoda.


Zimbabwe's national defence college is under construction within a sprawling, heavily-guarded compound whose brooding presence sends a clear message to any would-be revolutionary. Some have dubbed it the "Robert Mugabe national school of intelligence".

  这是正在施工中的津巴布韦国防学院,这是一片戒备森严、张牙舞爪的大规模围地,其阴鹜、险恶的嘴脸似向外界传递一个清晰的信息,警示着任何意图想要革命的思想种子切勿萌芽。有人拿总统罗伯特·穆加贝(Robert Mugabe)开玩笑,戏称这个庞然大物是“穆加贝的国家情报学校”。

The construction site north of Harare has also become the lightning rod for another source of simmering resentment – Chinese labour practices.


Surrounded by a perimeter wall that runs for a kilometre through what was once farmland, the shadowy military academy is being built by a Chinese contractor whose managers are accused of meting out physical punishments, miserable conditions and meagre pay.


"The beatings happen very often," said a 28-year-old carpenter, wearing blue overalls as he made the long walk home after a 14-hour shift. "They ill-treat you and, if you make a mistake, they beat you up.


"I saw some men beaten up yesterday. A guy complained: 'You're not treating us like human beings,' and the Chinese replied: 'You should appreciate we've come to assist you.' They beat him up and he was fired." He estimated that there were about 600 Zimbabwean and 300 Chinese workers on the site. Around 50 of the Chinese were managers. Some of the Chinese have "nice homes inside" while others live in wooden shacks just outside the complex. The Zimbabweans and Chinese rarely mix, he added. "They don't speak English so we use sign language. The Chinese eat off plates, then give us the leftovers."


The carpenter said he typically gets up at 4am and works from 7am to 9pm every day. For this he is paid $4 (£2.50) a day, but at least it is work so he can feed his wife and three children. "We don't have a choice because we need to survive. But if it was possible to chase all the Chinese away, I would."


Reports of abuse by managers at the Chinese contractor, Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Company (AFECC), are widespread, as are complaints that the government is turning a blind eye because it cannot afford to lose such a valuable partner.


A 26-year-old builder, on his way to a nightshift, said: "We tried to go on strike but the leader of it was beaten up and sacked. The government doesn't say anything, even though it knows people are beaten up. I saw them undress some workers and beat them with helmets. Some of them were crying with the pain.


"We feel angry but we need money, so there is no choice. If you don't work 10 hours, there is no money."


Attempts to contact AFECC by telephone and email were unsuccessful. The company's website refers to projects in Ivory Coast, Mozambique and Zambia, and describes how the project team of the Zimbabwe national defence college raised $4,570 for a carpenter, Chen Zongde, whose son needed treatment for leukaemia.


Zimbabwe received a Chinese loan of $98m to build the college. It will be repaid over 20 years through earnings from the Marange diamond fields, which are being mined by another Chinese firm amid widespread claims of human rights violations under military control.


Okay Machisa, director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association, said: "Parliament approving such a debt without consulting Zimbabeweans is very serious. Why are we prioritising an army intelligence college instead of universities and hospitals?

  津巴布韦人权协会(ZHRA)主任欧凯·玛琪萨(Okay Machisa)说:“议会没有咨询津巴布韦人民就批准这样一个贷款,实在是很严重的一件事。我们为什么要优先考虑建军事情报大学?为什么不先建普通综合大学和医院?

"Harare has no electricity most of the time and the water is not good for human consumption. It shows we are trying to keep Zimbabwe under the control of state security."


China's commercial empire has expanded enormously in Africa over the past decade and Zimbabwe is trying to catch up. Trade between the two countries stood at $550m last year, according to the Chinese embassy.


The government in Harare has announced that China plans up to $10bn in investments over the next five years, more than in any other country.


Diamonds and other mineral resources are the main attraction, but Chinese entrepreneurs have also seized opportunities in construction, manufacturing and retail. Chinese restaurants are booming, attracting top politicians and businessmen. Shops are flooded with cheap Chinese imports, or "zhing-zhong", of dubious quality. Zimbabwean vendors claim they are being undercut and put out of work.


Just as a recent Human Rights Watch report alleged poor conditions at Chinese-run copper mines in neighbouring Zambia, so there is growing antipathy and mistrust in Zimbabwe. Trade unions have called for action and even members of Mugabe's Zanu-PF party have expressed disquiet.

  正如最近一份人权观察(HRW)报告所称,在津巴布韦邻国赞比亚,中国人经营的铜矿工作条件恶劣,而津巴布韦本国也正滋生着某种对中国人的反感和不信任。工会呼吁拿出行动,甚至穆加贝的民盟党(Zanu-PF party)内也有成员对此表示不安。

Machisa said: "We've got alarming, shocking human rights abuses in firms operated by the Chinese. We've got empirical evidence that is going to shock the people of Zimbabwe. They are physically abusing the workers. They are psychologically terrorising the workers.



"But they are not being prosecuted. There is a culture of impunity."


Others believe the problem is a cultural misunderstanding.


A Chinese immigrant, 29-year-old Li Chen, said: "If Chinese people work from 8am till 8pm they have no problem. Sometimes they ask their employees to do the same and it makes them unhappy. It will not happen.


"It's a different culture. If people sit down and talk and understand each other, it should change."



  译后记:英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)多年前就以《中国是怎么在非洲建立起一个新兴奴隶帝国的?》为题,从矿产业与建筑业入手,狠狠批判了所谓中国商人“昧着良心榨取剩余利益”的行为、中国人“欺软怕硬的劣根性”,以及所谓中国政府“变相输出劳力的不良居心”。近几年,面对中国在非洲日渐增长的影响力,各国政府颇上心,多方媒体颇关心,各种报道层出不穷。点击这里认领《每日邮报》这篇“可能算是有一点有预见性”的旧文章开始翻译


from 译言-每日精品译文推荐 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/245405/244041