Tuesday 31 January 2012

国情咨文中的中国 | 纽约客

译者 邋遢流~


China has become such a reliable prop in the State of the Union that I half-expected it to stand up in the balcony for an anxious cameo. Two years ago it was in a list of admirable upstarts “not waiting to revamp its economy,” the President said, ticking off a club that included allies, Germany and India. Last year, he sharpened the sense of a challenge, framing China as the ambitious arriviste—“home to theworld’s largest private solar research facility, and the world’s fastest computer. So, yes,” Obama said, “the world has changed.”


But last night the tone had changed:


Tonight, I’m announcing the creation of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will be charged with investigating unfair trade practices in countries like China. There will be more inspections to prevent counterfeit or unsafe goods from crossing our borders.


Enough with the inspiration. We’re inspecting shipping containers now. “It’s not right when another country lets our movies, music and software be pirated. It’s not fair when foreign manufacturers have a leg up on ours only because they’re heavily subsidized,” Obama said. “I will not stand by when our competitors don’t play by the rules.”


That will draw cheers companies that have pushed for anti-dumping and piracy investigations, as well as the U.S. trade officials who have been arguing that China has flunked several key promises it made to enter the World Trade Organization a decade ago. This line also has political value against Mitt Romney, who has sought to establish himself as the harshest voice on China in the race.


Does this signal an explosive season ahead for China and the U.S.? The year of the black water dragon is upon us over here—the firecrackers in the alley outside are going day and night this week—and the Chinese fortune tellers are foretelling an “especially inauspicious” year for the world economy. China does not seem to have the appetite for a trade standoff with the U.S. at the moment. On the contrary, it is turning inward at the moment; it just broke a thirty-year tradition by not sending any high-level officials to Davos, and it is focussed on domestic politics as it prepares for its own political handover to a new Politburo this fall.


After the speech, I called Arthur Kroeber, an American who is managing director of GK Dragonomics, a Beijing-based economic research firm, for his take. He had some other numerology in mind: “China is a big issue in U.S. politics in odd-numbered years, because there is no election. In 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, we had the peak of the currency debates. But in every case, the closer you got to an actual election,China evaporated as an issue.”

国情咨文结束后,我与来自北京的龙洲经济研究所美国籍主管Arthur Kroeber通了电话。关于这个问题,他有些其他观点:“每当奇数年到来之时(比如2005、2007、2009和2011年),因为美国没有选举,中国就成为美国政治的真正问题。那些年份是我们对中国汇率问题议论最激烈的时候。但是越是靠近选举之时,中国问题就越是削弱成一个议题,而不是问题的时候了。”

In the opening weeks of 2012, Americans have, perhaps, a more deeply visceral reaction to the China-jobs issues than in previous cycles, but Kroeber has a prediction: “Obama made a few gestures on stronger trade enforcement, which signals to your base that you’re on the right side, and then you move on and forget about it once the real campaign is started. And I’ll bet you anything you want that once theRepublicans actually have a nominee, it will be a remote issue.”

在2012年大选年的第一周,美国人心中对中国人掠夺工作的看法就变得比以往选举愈发严重。但是 Kroeber预言到:“奥巴马通过在贸易执法上做出一些姿势来迎合一些右翼选民。这样到真正大选的时候,你就会忘记中国问题。我跟你打赌当共和党人真正产生一个候选人的时候,中国就将成为一个不受关注的议题了。”

Listening to the speech from afar, Kroeber was most struck by how familiar the issues sounded to what the Chinese are discussing every day: the demand for economic fairness, the urgent need for innovation, and the appeals to national pride. It is a curious fact that the very moment the United States is acclimating to its first major challenger since the Cold War, that challenger is bracing for its own politicaltransition (not remotely democratic, mind you), and trying to refashion an economy to reward more of its citizens.


“Both of these large countries are struggling with different but fundamentally similar types of enormous income-equality problems and economic transitions,” Kroeber said. “In China, it’s about how to move away from the low-end export-driven economy, and in the U.S., it’s the post-industrial question: How do we drive job growth now that we can’t employ thousands of people in steel plants? If you’re aglass-half-full person, you would view those similarities as a positive thing. Fundamentally your problems are pretty similar.”


from 译言-每日精品译文推荐 http://article.yeeyan.org/view/126407/248441