跟終審法院常任法官包致金( Kemal Bokhary)討論香港核心價值,他用書面回答了記者的提問。在他心中,香港最重要核心價值是:「尊重人的尊嚴。這種尊重,躺伏於人權中心思想裏面……讓我們忠於自己,活得有尊嚴。我們遵此對人,別人也遵此對我們。」在這個價值觀上,包致金自信準確掌握港人看法,並且是站在香港的大多數之內。
司法獨立 絕不低頭
「四比一,只有他站於我一邊」。談雅然是2001年內地領養子女申請居港權的主角,輸了官司,贏了輿論,同年年尾獲批單程證來港與養父母團聚。現年25歲的談雅然已在香港大學法律學院畢業,曾在亞洲善待動物組織工作,現於港大當研究員。為了追求生命理想,她準備到倫敦政治經濟學院修讀政治哲學碩士,希望將來能念博士,研究動物權( Animal Rights)。
「一切有感知的生物,都不應受苦,每一個生命,都應該活得有尊嚴,都應該自由地生活」。這一種理念,比包致金重視人的尊嚴還要偉大。內地領養過來的香港女孩,當年不懂得誰是包致金,11年來,沒有親身見過他一面,只有在港大念法律時,讀憲法部份,看到自己的個案,看到包致金的判詞。「不少法律學院內的同學,都很欣賞包致金的法律觀點,曾經在 facebook開了一個 Bokhary appreciation society。他是我的 intellectual idol,給我很多鼓勵」。
堅持信念 法庭良心
"But if anyone has taught me to embrace conscience and justice at all costs, it is you(Bokhary)."
"I am so lucky to be able to stay by his( her father) side and take care of him all these years. I can't provide material comfort for my parents in the years to come, if ever. But keeping them company and happy is what I'm capable of. Happiness, sometimes, is that simple."
包致金在英國修讀法律回港後當了大律師,李柱銘見過他在法庭上盤問證人。策略上是要尖銳的,偏偏他心地好:「明明問到好狠,但之後又不想太過份,要補幾個字(調和),留有餘地。他仁慈,適合當法官。」從70年代就認識包致金的余若薇說,終審法院內的音響設計不好,坐在法官位置上的包致金,說話又多又快,經常聽不到他說甚麼。但對他所說的核心價值,尊重 human dignity,她很有同感,「不抽象,好多人會明白。就是不要做傀儡,不要做傷天害理的事,重視人的尊嚴」。
尊重人權 懂得包容
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包致金被法律界喻為終審法院最勤力法官,參與審理案件超過九成。 |
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包致金(前排右二)認為巿民的警覺性及新聞自由,是香港核心價值最強大的守護者。 |
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包致金(前排中)眼中,香港司法獨立受過幾次打擊,最後仍然生存而且會繼續生存。 |
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當年不獲居港權的談雅然,最終能在港成長,立志維護一切生命權利。 |
Interview with PJ Bokhary: Freedom-loving People to Sustain HK Core Values
In a written reply to Apple Daily, the permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal Mr Justice Kemal Bokhary expresses his views on Hong Kong's core values, of which respect for human dignity is top on the list. He is confident that Hong Kong people will make every effort to protect judicial independence, self-expression, civil liberties and human rights. The greatest protection for all these values, as he always underlines, comes from a vigilant population and a free media.
Q: In your opinion, what is the most important core value of Hong Kong?
A: In my view, the most important core value of Hong Kong is respect for human dignity. Such respect lies at the heart of human rights. As I see them, human rights represent the minimum entitlements that people- and that means all people- must be able to demand for themselves and must accord to others in order to live and let live as human beings. These entitlements are inherent in the human person. It is for the law to protect and advance them. They involve a number of things: civil liberties, personal security, security of property however modest, self-expression, public participation, respect for otherness and at least a tolerable standard of living. These are the things which enable each and every one of us to be ourselves and live with human dignity- in how we treat others and how we are treated by them.
Q: Being a permanent judge of the Court of Final Appeal in the past15 years, did you see the important values of the rule of law, civil liberties and human rights in Hong Kong change?
A: The importance of these things has not changed. But in the realization of them, there have been ups and downs. These things are always at risk. They must always be protected. Everybody has a part to play in protecting them. Their greatest protection comes from a vigilant population served by a free media.
Q: In the past15 years, Hong Kong people expressed their views in different areas and in different ways. Demonstration is a way to express themselves for quite a number of people. There are concerns that in many incidents, Hong Kong Police has been used as a political tool to suppress the demonstrations. Are you confident that the fundamental freedom of Hong Kong people will be undoubtedly protected by the court?
A: Demonstrations form an important part of the political process. This is especially so where, as in Hong Kong today, democracy is not yet fully developed. There is in Hong Kong a constitutional right to demonstrate. At the same time, there are legitimate reasons for regulating demonstrations, for example, crowd safety and ensuring an adequate flow of traffic for emergency vehicles including ambulances and fire engines. The vital thing is not to restrict demonstrations on the basis of the demonstrators' politics. You have mentioned the police. Whatever you may think about the orders which the officers on duty have received, you should bear in mind that they are members of a disciplined force operating under a chain of command. Their task is not an easy one. Judges are human. They are not infallible. But I believe that the people of Hong Kong can be reasonably confident that, at least in general, their freedoms will be duly protected by the courts.
Q: Based on the Sino-British Joint Declaration, Hong Kong could enjoy a high degree of autonomy under the"one country, two systems" formula. How far do you think judicial independence has been maintained during the past15 years? People are pessimistic to the reality that both our judicial independence and autonomy has been damaged, what is your response?
A: I think that judicial independence in Hong Kong has sustained a few blows but has survived and will survive. Some people are pessimistic. I would urge them to lay aside pessimism and adopt vigilance instead.
Q: Seeking interpretation from Beijing is regarded as a damaging concession in order to avoid confrontation in China. Some people hold that no court in Hong Kong can ever be entirely blind to the political realities that exist under"one country, two systems". How would you response to such an opinion?
A: The judiciary decides according to law. If the judiciary decides according to politics instead, the rule of law dies. Some people do not believe in the rule of law.
Q: On July1, the new administration led by CY Leung will swear in. In the end of October, you will be replaced by an older judge. In your view, how will the Hong Kong core values be sustained under such new circumstances?
A: It will be sustained by the judiciary, the legal profession, the legal academy, the media and, above all, the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong as a whole. Optimists and pessimists will always exist. The important thing is to be vigilant and determined.
from 香港雜評 http://commentshk.blogspot.com/2012/06/blog-post_9827.html