Tuesday, 24 July 2012






YZ:Tom, when you were teaching in Guangxi, have you seen many of these kids whose parents are not by their side, and they basically have to be living by themselves?


Tom:In my experiences in talking with my students, it seems like at least 75% of the my students, at least one of their parents worked in another city. Many of them are raised by their grandparents, or their aunts and uncles. In my time of working there though, I never met a student who had attended a migrant workers schools. So I am not sure that’s because just where I was working, or the difficulties to transfer from a migrant workers school to a rural high school. I know that drop-out rates in some areas could be quite high, in some parts of the rural high school, it’s approaching nearly 50% of all students, drop-out in some counties.



YZ:My next question probably is the center of today’s conversation, which is, what’s behind the government’s actions of closing down more than 30 of migrant workers children schools in Beijing’s suburb? What do you think is the driving force of the demolition?


WW:There are probably two main reasons for the government to demolish these Migrant Workers Children Schools. One is that the Beijing authorities want to reduce the population in the city, so they are trying to pressure these migrants to leave the city voluntarily; if they can put pressure on their kids’ educations, they might have the incentives to leave; the other thing is they do worry about the safety issues, for example, the school buses may not in very good condition, if anything happens, the education authorities in Beijing may be put in hot water by these kind of accidents. Instead of trying to provide education to those migrant worker’s children, they just trying to drive them out. Once they leave the city and the schools are gone, they won’t have this kind of problems and bear any responsibilities anymore.


from 每日译者 http://dailyyizhe.wordpress.com/2012/07/24/yizhe_talk_education_gap_3/