2017距2047只有三十年,一旦通過假普選方案 ,香港人便喪失按法理爭取普選的依據,連爭取2047年後原有生活方式不變的重要籌碼也一併丟失。試問當下一代發覺人權自由逐步萎縮,劉曉波、高瑜和李旺陽等案件相繼在港出現時,我們豈不愧對子孫?
Ø 政制停滯
特區政府聲稱政改方案已滿足了《基本法》第45條最終達至普選行政長官的要求,所以「袋住先」等於同意指鹿為馬的假普選,政制停滯不前。相反,否決假普選方案後, 中央政府仍有憲制責任提出真普選方案, 否則便是失職。
Ø 權貴壟斷
Ø 自由萎縮
未來特首表面上擁有數百萬市民的民意授權,在北京的操控下,會有巨大誘惑推行23條或比23條更嚴厲的惡法,箝制港人自由,破壞法治, 公民權利倒退,從而激化中港矛盾, 令下一代的發展空間越縮越少。
Ø 經濟動盪
Ø 振英連任
Standing Firm on Hong Kong’s Core Values -- Veto Sham Universal Suffrage, Guard Against Authoritarian Rule
Signature Campaign by Scholars and Professionals
(Members of the public are welcome to sign as supporters of this declaration)
In 2004, many of us co-signed Standing Firm on Hong Kong’s Core Values to express our deep concerns about the future of Hong Kong. After eleven years, we feel shocked at the erosion of our core values on all fronts. We must be resolute in raising the alarm again. Unless the Hong Kong citizens are on high alert of the crisis we are facing, we cannot preserve the Hong Kong way of living.
We identified in 2004 eight core values of Hong Kong, including liberty, democracy, human rights and rule of law. In recent years, the Central People’s Government has been increasingly intervening in Hong Kong affairs. The Hong Kong SAR Government has been constantly destroying governance rules and conventions. Provocation of in-fighting among the people has aggravated social divisions. These are venomous to Hong Kong’s core values. No doubt, the Hong Kong governance has rapidly worsened as shown by international indicators, including world-wide rankings of freedom of press and surveys conducted by international human rights groups.
In recent years, the Central People’s Government has kept twisting the interpretation of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong People Ruling Hong Kong.” The White Paper published by the State Council and the Decision of National People’s Congress on 31 August 2014 not only undermines Hong Kong’s autonomy in governance, but also endangers our civil liberties and freedoms. Once the Legislative Council passes the Government’s constitutional package, the Chief Executive in future, feels empowered by a sham “one-person, one-vote’ election, may trample further on the “Two Systems.” Hong Kong may go further downhill into an abyss of lies. The Hong Kong advantage underpinned by our core values will be lost.
There will only be thirty years from 2017 to 2047. Once the SAR Government’s sham universal suffrage package is passed, Hong Kong people will lose the legal justification to fight for universal suffrage and, hence, give up a major bargaining chip for preserving the Hong Kong way of life beyond 2047. Our next generation would suffer from serious rollback of human rights and liberties. Tragedies similar to the cases of Liu Xiao Bao, Gao Yu and Li Wangyang might happen in Hong Kong. How can we have a clear conscience and explain to our children and grandchildren?
We, therefore, solemnly declare that scholars and professionals from different sectors will resolutely say no to the trap into authoritarian rule. We seriously call for all Legislative Councillors to veto the sham universal suffrage proposal. We appeal to all Hong Kong citizens to recognize the lies behind “pocketing”. We urge every Hong Kong resident or supporter to take actions to stand firm on Hong Kong people’s core values, preserve Hong Kong people’s dignity and defend Hong Kong’s future.
Appendix: Five Disastrous Consequences of “Pocketing” HKSAR Government’s Constitutional Reform Package
Ø End of Constitutional Reform
The HKSAR Government claims that its constitutional reform proposal satisfies the requirements in Article 45 of the Basic Law that the ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage. Therefore, “pocketing” would in effect endorse a sham universal suffrage and stop further constitutional reform. On the contrary, if the sham universal suffrage package is vetoed, the Central People’s Government (CPG) will still have the constitutional duty to introduce new proposals to implement universal suffrage in Hong Kong. A failure to do so will be dereliction of duty on the part of the CPG.
Ø Serious Hegemony and Cronyism
Both the CPG and SAR Government officials have stated that functional constituencies should be preserved after the constitutional package is passed. Hence a sham universal suffrage of the Legislative Council will naturally follow a sham universal suffrage for the Chief Executive. As such, there will be no change to hegemony and cronyism among elites. Indeed, powers will be further centralized in the chief executive, leading to deterioration of unfair resource allocation and the rich-poor gap.
Ø Taking Away Our Freedom
Superficially, the Chief Executive to be elected under the “pocketing” proposal is empowered by millions of voters. In reality, under Beijing’s control, the Chief Executive would be immensely tempted to put forward Article 23 or more draconian laws to take away our freedoms, harm the rule of law and roll back civil liberties. Therefore, tensions between the Mainland and Hong Kong will likely intensify, narrowing down possibilities for our next generation.
Ø Undermining Our Market Economy
Social divisions and tensions will be aggravated if the sham universal suffrage is passed. The government will in no way be able to improve its authority in governance. Markets will lose confidence in Hong Kong when further measures against freedoms and human rights are taken. The risk of economic turmoil will increase with acceleration of Mainland-Hong Kong integration driven by political demands.
Ø C Y Getting Re-elected
The CPG has full control over nominations for the CE election. If the proposal is passed, that means CY Leung would have achieved an important mission. So, how can anyone be sure that the CPG would allow real competitors from the pro-establishment camp to run against CY Leung! In fact, C Y Leung is likely Beijing’s safest choice as the first CE under the sham “universal suffrage”.
發起人 Initiators
陳效能 Annie Chan (嶺南大學副教授, Associate Professor, LingnanU)
陳清僑 Ching Kiu S Chan (嶺南大學教授, Professor, LingnanU)
陳允中 Chen Yun Chung (嶺南大學副教授, Associate Professor, LingnanU)
鄭宇碩 CHENG, Joseph Yu-shek (城市大學講座教授, Chair Professor, CityU)
程 翔 Cheong Ching (資深記者, Veteran Journalist)
戴大為 Michael Davis (香港大學教授, Professor, HKU)
馮偉華 Fung Wai Wah (城市大學高級講師, Senior Lecturer, CityU)
何芝君 Ho Chi Kwan (明愛專上學院客座教授, Visiting Professor, Caritas Higher Inst. of Edu.)
許天福 David Hui (法律界選委, Election Committee Member, Legal Sub-sector)
葉劍青 Ip Kim Ching (臨床心理學家, Clinical Psychologist)
黎廣德 Albert Lai (工程界選委, Election Committee Member, Engineering Sub-sector)
賴仁彪 Bill Lay (社福界選委, Election Committee Member, Social Welfare Sub-sector)
李智明 C M Lee (資深工程師, Engineer)
梁兆昌 SC Leung (資訊科技界選委, Election Committee Member, IT Sub-sector)
梁小琴 SK Leung (資深社工, Veteran Social Worker)
李耀文 Li Yiu Man (工程界選委, Election Committee Member, Engineering Sub-sector)
陸潔玲 Luk Kit Ling (理工大學香港專上學院講師, Lecturer, HKCC, PolyU)
吳其彥 Joseph K.Y. Ng (浸會大學教授, Professor, HKBU)
舒 琪 Shu Kei (演藝學院電影電視學院院長, Chair, School of Film and Television, HKAPA)
成 名 Sing Ming (科技大學副教授, Associate Professor, HKUST)
蘇耀昌 Alvin So (科技大學講座教授, Chair Professor, HKUST)
丁 偉 Ting Wai (浸會大學教授, Professor, HKBU)
丁南僑 Tsing Nam Kiu (香港大學榮譽副教授, Honorary Associate Professor, HKU)
韋志堅 Victor Wai (會計界選委, Election Committee Member, Accountancy Sub-sector)
黃 洪 Wong Hung (中文大學副教授, Associate Professor, CUHK)
黃偉國 Wong Wai Kwok (浸會大學助理教授, Assistant Professor, HKBU)
邱祖淇 Joe C.K. Yau (浸會大學講師, Lecturer, HKBU)
楊區麗潔 Rikkie Yeung (香港大學講師, Lecturer, HKU)
from Google https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HuH_-xiaGGG5hbP_SvLadT2JlG0lHnmXlKiUwnlwTrc/viewform