Wednesday, 14 April 2021



(一)經常代表公司接受傳媒訪問的那一位,未必是真正的話事人。他或她可以是持股量很低(少於 10%)的高級打工仔,甚至是一股也沒有的代言人(例如:藝人或 KOL,老闆的情婦情夫)。那些充滿正能量或文青腔的訪問,是用來轉移視線的,背後可能牽涉主流傳媒跟商業機構之間的利益交換(例如:廣告換訪問)。對,傳媒協助造假,訪問內容無須認真。外國人的說法:Bullshit without proof. Fake success stories.

(二)經常捐款給大學、體育、藝術或慈善團體的名字,原來只是象徵式地持有一股,公司的 99% 股份由一間(或多間)離岸公司持有(或分攤),即是幕後老闆另有其人。幕前的那一位不過是人頭,難怪娛樂圈的美女經常嫁給空心老倌,婚後不久男人就出事(入獄或破產),美女生完孩子之後離婚復出賺錢,還要被八卦傳媒形容為「剋夫」,嗚呼。


(四)如果公司的絕大部份股份由離岸公司持有,即是線索中斷,除非再來一次天堂地獄外太空文件洩漏(提示:ICIJ + Panama Papers),否則難以知道背後是甚麼人。更絕的玩法,是由多間離岸公司所組成的多層或環迴式控股結構,作用:隱藏大股東身份+誤導監管機構+通過盡職審查 (Due diligence)。離岸公司不一定是百慕達註冊,也可以是非洲或南歐。



結論:見識過這些事情,你會明白現有的監管制度存在很多的漏洞,在香港打工和做生意非常不容易。即使是透過查冊找到某人的名字和完整的身份證編號,還是距離真相很遠。如果把查冊的結果進一步收窄至身份證的頭三位或四位數字,以及禁止某個行業的人(傳媒+記者)查冊,即是透明度開倒車,結果只會是方便壞人,令企業管治水平下降,也會影響正常商業活動(例如:物業買賣+收購合併)。難怪國際傳媒和外國人社群負評如潮:It's a setback in CG (Corporate Governance) practices. A strange evolution for CG to suggest that less transparency is a good thing. This is absurd for a place which has traditionally touted itself as one of the safest places in Asia to do business. Investors beware. This is going to be a dream-ticket for money launderers and fraudsters.(來源:LinkedIn)




Hong Kong journalist’s public records search should not be considered illegal, court told

SCMP (Mar 24, 2021)

Nadia Lam

Extract: RTHK reporter Bao Choy being prosecuted after accessing driver’s information on Hong Kong government database. Information was for television documentary on Yuen Long attack in 2019. A journalist’s search for a car owner’s registration information in a public register should be considered legal and not regarded as making a false declaration, a Hong Kong court heard on Wednesday. But prosecutors at West Kowloon Court said Bao Choy Yuk-ling, who co-produced an episode of the RTHK television show Hong Kong Connection about the Yuen Long attack in 2019, knowingly made false statements by arguing she only intended to use the information for reporting purposes, and not for anything transport related.

記協指調查報道掲發濫權及不公 指林鄭月娥說法誤導

RTHK 2021-03-30


許正宇稱不容許個人資料被「武器化」 沒有人可有特權

RTHK 2021-04-04

節錄:財經事務及庫務局局長許正宇,在網上專欄就建議的新查冊安排撰文,指出不能再容許個人資料被「武器化」,傷害被「起底」的人士。在新安排實施後,所有查冊人士將可繼續取覽公司登記冊上的公司董事資料,包括取代董事個人住址的通訊地址,以及部分身份識別號碼;其他現時可查閱的資料仍然可供查閱,相信連同董事的姓名及公司名稱,已足夠辨認董事身份,傳媒亦可繼續以填報目前第 7 項作查冊目的。許正宇提到,新查冊安排下,公司小股東可透過申請取得完整受保護資料,金融機構及專業團體可以繼續透過現行機制取得董事資料。而對於要追討欠薪的僱員,在符合《公司條例》下,有充分利害關係的人士可以尋求法院頒令,取得公司登記冊內受保護的完整個人資料。

物業代理與律師憂收緊查冊難核實身份 買賣方或招損失

RTHK 2021-04-09


Officials must rethink plan to deny access to Hong Kong’s Companies Registry

The proposal will damage city’s open environment for business and play into the hands of those with something to hide

SCMP Editorial (Apr 1, 2021)

Extract: When the government attempted to restrict public access to the personal data of company directors in 2012 there was an outcry. Bankers, lawyers, journalists, accountants and lawmakers slammed the move, pointing out it would undermine the city’s reputation by reducing transparency and accountability. The proposal, included in the new Companies Ordinance, was shelved the following year in the face of such opposition. Now, the government plans to revive it. Much has changed in Hong Kong since 2013, but the arguments against restricting access to this important information are just as valid as they were then. Officials should think again.

A paper submitted by the government to the Legislative Council this week revealed the proposal to restrict access to the residential addresses and identity card numbers of company directors and officers. This “protected information” is currently accessible to members of the public through a search of the online Companies Registry. The government’s intention is that, in future, access will be limited to a relatively small group of “specified persons”, such as company members, liquidators or a public officer, who must apply. The justification for limiting access to this information is said to be “rising social concern over whether personal data contained in public registers are adequately protected”. The malicious posting of personal data became a problem during the civil unrest in Hong Kong in 2019, with police officers and their families prime targets. But a law to combat doxxing is already in the pipeline. The government needs to show compelling evidence that the Companies Registry is being abused if it is to even begin to make a case for limiting public access to it.

Access to the data is needed for legitimate purposes. Various professional sectors rely on it for due diligence and compliance checks. It is especially important for journalists, who need the information for investigative reports. These searches are made in the public interest. Many scandals, including those involving government officials, have been uncovered. Curbing access to the data will damage Hong Kong’s open environment for business and play into the hands of those with something to hide.

Hong Kong set to allow corporate directors to obscure their identity

Proposal is latest challenge to transparency in financial hub

Financial Times (March 30, 2021)

Primrose Riordan, Nicolle Liu and Tabby Kinder

Extract: Hong Kong risks facilitating fraud and undermining its status as a transparent financial hub after authorities unveiled proposals that would allow company directors to obscure their identities, according to corporate governance experts and investors. Under the proposed rules, the Hong Kong government would not require companies to reveal home addresses, passport or identification numbers of their directors on public registers. Without this information, directors could use different versions of their name in different languages on a range of documents and entities. Companies can start implementing the changes immediately and the law will come into full effect by October 2022.

Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s chief executive, said the proposal would prevent “doxing”, whereby the personal details of individuals are exposed online. Pro-Beijing groups have accused anti-government activists of using such tactics to attack authorities. But corporate governance experts and accountants sharply criticised the proposals. “It’s a very dark day for Hong Kong,” said Jane Moir, research director for Hong Kong at the Asian Corporate Governance Association, adding it would affect investors and banks attempting to conduct due diligence on a transaction or business partner. 

“The proposed law will facilitate corruption, fraud and other crimes,” said David Webb, a Hong Kong-based activist investor who campaigned against a similar change in the past. One big international asset manager was very worried. “We have serious concerns with the proposals,” the person said. “At a minimum it will substantially erode individual director accountability to shareholders and creditors. However, potentially more seriously it will increase the risk of fraud and corruption. The changes came as Chinese leaders revealed new details about reforms to Hong Kong’s electoral system, which will nullify opposition in the city and guarantee Beijing’s absolute control over results in the territory.

Hong Kong Is Giving Itself Another Identity Crisis

Plans to restrict information on company directors will be an invitation to fraud and undermine the city's status as a financial center.

Bloomberg (2021-04-07)

Matthew Brooker

Extract: The Hong Kong government’s proposal to let directors obscure their identities on the companies register is a retrograde step that will facilitate fraud and corruption. Don’t take a journalist’s word for it. Don’t listen to the legal profession, which said in 2009 that ID numbers should be fully disclosed. Don’t pay heed to the accountants and corporate governance experts who warn that access to such information is vital. And don’t worry about the investors who say Hong Kong’s public registries have helped bring transparency and accountability to official and corporate dealings.

Just take the word of the government’s own advisory committee for it. Restricting access to ID numbers “may deprive the public of a means of uniquely identifying individuals, and might make it easier for the dishonest to escape creditors, or otherwise engage in fraudulent activity,” the standing committee on company law reform said in a 2009 consultation paper. “The option of masking 3 or 4 digits of an identification number would not serve the purpose of identifying a person as there are cases of persons with the same name having similar identity card numbers."

What is the meaning of due diligence?

Extract: Due diligence is an investigation process in which one party finds out information about the other party. Due Diligence can be used in any form of process or business transaction. Where are due diligence services used? Due diligence services are used in different fields. However, the following industries frequently use due diligence:

Chartered Accountants
Financial Consultants
Investment Banks
Do banks use the process of due diligence? When banks use due diligence, the process is used for identifying potential customers. Such banks ask customers for information such as a passport or other documentation in order to comply with relevant due diligence procedures. This form of due diligence is known as customer due diligence. The process of customer due diligence is used by banks and financial institutions to comply with the anti-money laundering procedures.

Investopedia – What is Corporate Governance?

Extract: Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a firm is directed and controlled. Corporate governance essentially involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, senior management executives, customers, suppliers, financiers, the government, and the community. Since corporate governance also provides the framework for attaining a company's objectives, it encompasses practically every sphere of management, from action plans and internal controls to performance measurement and corporate disclosure.

Key Points:

Corporate governance is the structure of rules, practices, and processes used to direct and manage a company.
A company's board of directors is the primary force influencing corporate governance.
Bad corporate governance can cast doubt on a company's operations and its ultimate profitability.
Corporate governance entails the areas of environmental awareness, ethical behavior, corporate strategy, compensation, and risk management.
The basic principles of corporate governance are accountability, transparency, fairness, and responsibility.


2020 年 11 月 13 日

節錄:至於個人資料的來源,可以是透過合法的途徑收集(例如:查冊),也可以是透過非法的途徑收購(例如:Dark Web),請參考<延伸閱讀>部份提供的英文材料。對港人來說,中文版「起底」並非新鮮事物。因為社會運動持續,過去十幾個月內,這個詞經常在新聞報導中出現,受害人包括官員、警察、法官。

Fool Me Twice 

2014 年 12 月 25 日


2013 年 4 月 20 日
節錄:Hold 上 Hold:即是由離岸公司 (Offshore Company) 持有本地註冊的私人有限公司 (Private Limited Company) 的股份。就算追討欠薪的僱員懂得到公司註冊處的公眾查冊中心(金鐘政府合署高座 14 樓,電梯按 13 字)索閱「周年申報表」,然後查看股東和董事名單,見到離岸公司,線索立即中斷(因為離岸中心例如百慕達不會保存股東和董事的名單),幕後老闆可以繼續「潛水」(港式粵語:失蹤、躲藏)。今次碼頭工潮,其中一間承辦商,便是這種結構。


2016 年 4 月 22 日
節錄:根據 Washington Post 的報導,負責分析文件的國際調查記者聯盟 (The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, ICIJ) 背後的美國公共誠信中心 (Center for Public Integrity),金主是國際大鱷索羅斯 (George Soros)。他較早前表示會「沽空亞洲貨幣」,令偉大祖國非常緊張,官媒輪流開炮。索羅斯戰績彪炳,利用在金融市場賺來的錢,資助共產黨的對頭人。中國和俄羅斯的領導人首當其衝,被爆陰毒,理所當然。


2019 年 9 月 27 日
節錄:早於 2018 年初中美貿易戰爆發之前,紅色資本的海外併購活動已經遇到困難。西方國家基於國家安全考慮,對中資說不(提示:倫敦交易所),又或者設置障礙。中資的回應方式,是動用港人、台商、南洋華僑甚至親共洋人(Panda Hugger) 當人頭或Frontman,讓大股東可以退居幕後。這些雕蟲小技,曾經欺騙外資銀行的華為公主孟晚舟(提示:匯豐+Skycom)應該懂。


2017 年 6 月 30 日
節錄:中資玩財技,還是停留於抄襲的階段,左抄右抄,炒埋一碟,似科學怪人 (Frankenstein)。特徵:用人頭隱藏真老闆、高槓桿收購、回購股份托價、大股東抵押股票(然後被斬倉)、自製同股不同權、持有上市業務的控股公司上面還有幾重的離岸公司(例如: TVB)。對付妖怪,監管機構用律師的方法,狙擊手用古惑仔的手段,中外決戰,看誰的本領高。股市有洋人狙擊手出沒,可以令生態環境稍為平衡一點,不至於向紅色勢力一面倒。


2020 年 1 月 15 日
節錄:難怪小朋友在網上論壇這樣寫:「香港失去集資和走資的功能,令支共(中共)無法借錢還債,加速支爆 (China meltdown)。終極攬炒,玉石俱焚!香港失去最重要的戰略價值,但可以加快獨立的過程,那是我們唯一的出路!」從這個角度看,匯豐獅子遭逢火劫(提示:星火同盟),令藍絲大媽落淚,年輕黃絲卻處之泰然,當中的情緒落差,也就不難理解。


2018 年 4 月 14 日



2010 年 10 月 8 日


2010 年 10 月 20 日


2010 年 11 月 2 日


2010 年 11 月 12 日
節錄:內地人一旦有機會離開中國大陸,移居海外(香港、澳門、新加坡或者西方國家),通常都會第一時間改名,改掉容易被辨認出是大陸人身份的中英文名字。他們相信,此舉可以避免被歧視,有助開展新生活。香港的律師都說,近年來自內地人的改名生意顯著上升。比較常見的,是把兩個字的中文姓名改成三個字,又或者把採用漢語拼音 (pinyin) 的英文名字改成廣東話拼音。以下幾種情況,是常見的做法。


2010 年 11 月 21 日
節錄:香港的跨國商業調查公司,其管理層通常是香港的前高級警務人員,又或者是前外國特工。當中有出身香港警隊商業罪案調查科 (Commercial Crime Bureau, CCB) 或者刑事情報科 (Criminal Intelligence Bureau, CIB) 的英國佬,也有出身於西方國家情報機關的前外國特工(例如:MI5, MI6, CIA, FBI)。此外,也有擅長情報工作的日本忍者,其中一間跨國商業調查公司的香港區調查組主管便是日本人,他是一位前記者。

No more panda hugger

2019 年 9 月 13 日


2009 年 7 月 17 日
節錄:傳媒的版面或者時段於是變成廣告欄,又或者利益輸送和交換的渠道。不少「自報家門」式的個人專訪,都是答謝廣告客戶的「豬頭骨」(廣東話:贈品),又或者是大老闆介入政治活動之後的副產品(為某人抬轎或者拆橋)。既然讀者或者觀眾所餘無幾(年青一輩習慣長時間上網,對傳統媒體根本沒有興趣),更無須考慮他們的口味。換言之,傳媒老闆的心態跟 TVB 的高層差不多。


2009 年 7 月 24 日
節錄:不管是「自報家門」式的個人專訪,還是八卦雜誌針對個別人士進行的「起底」報告,其實是提供了一種廉價以及低層次的「盡職審查」(Due Diligence) 或者「信貸分析」 (Credit Analysis) 服務,為繁忙的中環友提供參考資料以及社交場合的話題,並非單純「八卦」那麼簡單。等到謠言變成事實,化成數字在公司的業績報告中出現,就已經太遲。就算你明知道是半真半假,又或者是當事人的仇家放料,你也不可能不讀吧?最低限度也要瞄一瞄雜誌的封面標題,對不對?


2015 年 5 月 1 日
節錄:除非訪問的目的是把(待售的)生意放盤,而對方又是來自財經版的記者,否則盡量不要牽涉數字、金額、日期。沒有數字,不容易查証真偽,讀者也搞不清事情發生的先後次序,也許內容散漫不夠集中,缺乏主題或主線,但是你會有足夠的空間,去改寫自己的故事,然後提供一個最符合個人利益的版本,請參考黑澤明 (1910-1998) 電影<羅生門>。


2012 年 2 月 10 日
節錄:如果你不加思索,便盲目依從這些潛規則,可能會令自己身陷險境,無法抽身,死無全屍。那些讀完 Rich Dad, Poor Dad(富爸爸.窮爸爸)之後,相信讀書打工無用,於是借錢借到盡,然後辭工,用別人的錢全職炒股炒樓,最後損手爛腳、破產收場、燒炭自殺的香港人,便是好例子。


2008 年 9 月 1 日


from 小收煞