Saturday, 10 December 2011


译者 mhw1111

I went to Burma to see whether the reforms I’d heard about were truly transforming one of the most isolated nations on earth. Yet what many of my Burmese friends wanted to talk instead about was my place of residence: China.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton completed her historic visit to Burma, from Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, amid a glow of good-news headlines about the country’s nascent reforms. Nevertheless, some Burmese warned me that far from true changes, what their government really wanted was to follow a path of development perfected by the country’s northern neighbor. The China model, at first glance, is an attractive one for repressive, autocratic leaders: by applying one foot on an economic accelerator and another on a political brake, a regime can bring a better standard of living to citizens without threatening its grip on power. The story of China’s rise over the past two decades has been one of both exuberant growth rates and nonexistent political change. Neat trick, that is.



But if China lite is what Burma’s leaders want, they may have a tough time following Beijing’s lead. For as much as we dismiss it as a pariah state, Burma is already a far more political place than China is. Burma boasts political parties and a charismatic opposition leader in Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi. China lacks any such political infrastructure. And as much as we talk about Burma’s hundreds of political prisoners, at least most people know they exist. China, by contrast, has locked up plenty of prisoners of conscience, but apart from a few high-profile inmates like Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, they tend to be faceless and forgotten. Even Liu is hardly known in China.


Then there’s the issue of access to information—a key political right. Arriving in Burma, I met up with a friend who also lives in China. Even as other foreigners complained about the molasses speed of the Burmese Internet, he and I were happily checking Facebook and reading news sites blocked in China. Had we really come to Burma to experience a liberated Internet? A couple months ago, Burma’s Internet czars relaxed Web censorship; in contrast, it feels like the Great Firewall of China is blocking more information with each passing month. (Both countries, however, have problems with pliant judiciaries, restive minorities and corruption.)

      另外还有一个信息渠道畅通的问题—— 重要的政治权力之一。到达缅甸后,我碰到了一位同样也住在中国的朋友。虽然住在缅甸的其他外国人抱怨这里网速极慢,但我和他仍然非常开心地登录了脸谱网站,浏览了在中国被屏蔽的新闻。我们真的成了到这里来体验开放的因特网吗?几个月前,缅甸刚刚放松了网络审查制度,相比之下,中国巨大的防火墙对信息的屏障却似乎在逐月增强。(两个国家都存在着司法不独立、少数民族矛盾和贪腐问题。)

Politics aside, the crucial difference between Burma and China is that the Chinese government has unleashed economic reforms that have enriched the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Around 130 million of China’s 1.3 billion citizens may live under the official poverty line (an assessment of $1 a day, which is lower than the World Bank’s $1.25 a day), but one-third of Burma’s 50 million-plus people subsist in poverty. In a single generation, the economic trajectory of many Chinese lives has gone from grim to upbeat. Elderly Burmese, however, remember how their country used to be one of Asia’s richest and wonder how the ruling generals so thoroughly wrecked the economy. The Burmese government’s spending on health care and education ranks among the world’s lowest, and there’s little indication that such paltry spending will change anytime soon. A child could design a better banking system than Burma — farmers, who make up the bulk of the population, can’t even borrow from an official financial institution. The bulk of revenues from the country’s natural resources — like hydropower, jade, timber and natural gas — end up in just a few cronies’ pockets. Yes, some economic reforms, like privatization and the legalization of labor unions, are now being instituted. But it will be years before any of this makes a difference to the average Burmese peasant.

      撇开政治不谈,中国和缅甸之间的主要区别,还在于中国政府实施的经济改革改善了几亿人的生活,13亿国民中有1亿3千万人生活在贫困线以下,而三分之一的缅甸国民、即5千多万人仍生活在贫困中。只用了一代人的时间,很多中国人便从艰难的经济状况中走出。老一代缅甸人仍然记得缅甸曾经是亚洲最富俗的国家之一,他们不明白那些治国的将军们是怎样将这个国家的经济彻底摧毁的。缅甸政府用于医疗和教育的开支跻身于世界最低之列,而且尚没有迹象表明这种状况会很快得到改变。小孩子都能建一个比缅甸更好的银行体系—— 占人口大多数的农民居然无法从官方的金融机构获得贷款。经济收入主要来自于自然资源贸易——如水电、玉石、木料、天然气等,其中的大部份进了贪官们的腰包。不错,一些经济改革举措,如私有化、工会合法化等,目前得到了确立,但这些措施真正能让农民的状况得到改善还需要很长的时间。

If Burma truly wants to heed the China model, it will have to distance itself from, well, China. Burma’s hybrid military-civilian rulers are growing increasingly wary of Beijing’s geopolitical sway — not to mention China’s economic dominance over Burma’s natural resources. But sanctions precluded the U.S. and other Western powers from providing Burma’s leaders with a counterbalance to China. Hence a charm campaign — consisting of market reforms, political prisoner releases and a modicum of political liberalizations, among other measures — that culminated in Clinton’s landmark visit, which the Burmese hope will eventually lead to a lifting of Western sanctions.


Growing unease over China’s footprint in Burma also explains why President Thein Sein took the astonishing step in September of suspending a Chinese-backed dam in northern Burma, which would have sent most of the power over the border to China. Back when that hydropower deal was signed, Burma was internationally isolated, a seclusion that was only heightened by its army’s bloody crackdown on the 2007 monk-led protests. The Chinese helped ward off disapproval for Burma in the U.N., and a dam may have seemed a fair trade for that protection. But for now, at least, that’s changed. Burma’s army men, many of whom spent their early careers fighting ethnic rebels backed by China’s People’s Liberation Army, are standing up to Beijing.


Here’s another, final difference between Burma and China. In China, the superiority of democratic governance is hardly a given among smart, educated people. In fact, there’s a sense among some Chinese that a proud, 5,000-year-old civilization possesses within its own traditions a more suitable form of leadership — some version of an incorruptible, wise ruler who has been endowed with the “mandate of heaven.” By contrast, I’d wager that most intellectual Burmese are committed to the primacy of Western-style democracy. Burma’s regime, which says it wants to encourage a “discipline-flourishing democracy,” will have to address the fact that the populace yearns for democratic rule. China’s leaders may not bear quite such a burden.


from 译言-每日精品译文推荐