文章原标题:未能免於恐懼 何來新聞自由?新聞界聯署反對《逃犯條例》修訂聲明
1. 聯署表格所提供的一切資料(包括:姓名、聯絡方法),只作「新聞界聯署反對《逃犯條例》修訂聲明」廣告刊登之用。是次聯署行動只會公開聯署人姓名,不會公開其任職機構名稱及其他個人資料。所有聯署人提供的資料(除聯署姓名外)將絕對保密,並於簽名行動後妥善銷毀。
2. 香港記者協會的具名聯署將連同本聲明內容在6月上旬刊登報章廣告,聯署的截止日期為 6月4日(星期二)中午12時(逾時的聯署未必能夠保證趕及於報章刊登)。
3. 記協會視乎聯署人數決定刊登半版或全版廣告,不足之款額將由記協承擔。倘有餘款,記協將悉數撥捐慈善團體。
4. 是次刊登廣告的費用將由聯署人攤分,每位聯署者必須繳付廣告費用 HK$100(不設上限)。
5. 付款方法:
i. 直接存入記協銀行戶口/轉數快:匯豐銀行002-4-228-298,戶口名稱:香港記者協會/HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION。請把入數紙電郵至 info@hkja.org.hk/Whatsapp至6654 6409以作確認。入數紙請注明:「反對《逃犯條例》修訂」
ii. 郵寄劃線支票:支票請寄到灣仔駱克道348-350號恆發商業大廈15樓A室香港記者協會收,支票抬頭:「Hong Kong Journalists Association」信封面請注明:「反對《逃犯條例》修訂」,支票必須於6月4日(星期二)中午12時或之前寄抵記協。
iii. Payme使用者亦可於6月4日(星期二)中午12時或之前將款項交付6012 5454代收。
6. 確定刊登日期及詳情後,記協將再作公布。 查詢: 香港記者協會 電話: 2591 0692
HKJA is initiating a joint statement expressing objection to amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. HKJA invites all current/former journalists journalists to participate, at a fee, in the publication of a joint statement in newspapers. Deadline: 12 noon on 4 June 2019 (Tuesday)
Details are as follows:
1. Information you provided will be solely for the purpose of the captioned joint statement (except the name of signatories). Information collected will be disposed of properly after the event.
2. The joint statement by HKJA, bearing the names of participants, will be published in a local newspaper within the first 10-day period of June. Deadline to participate is by 12 noon on 4 June (Tuesday). There is no guarantee that late participants will have their names included in the joint statement.
3. HKJA will decide to publish a full-page or half-page advertisement based on the number of participants. If there is any remaining balance, the balance will be donated to a charity organisation.
4. Current/former journalists who wish to participate in the joint statement are requested to transfer an advertising fee of HK$100 (no upper limit on the amount).
5. Method of payment:
i. Bank deposit/FPS: HSBC 002-4-228-298, bank account name: HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION. Please email the payment receipt to info@hkja.org.hk or send the payment receipt via WhatsApp 6654 6409 as supporting document. Please specify “Objection to amendments to the fugitive law” on the payment receipt.
ii. By cheque: the cheque should be mailed to HKJA on or before 12 noon on 4 June. Address: Flat A, 15/F, Henfa Commercial Building, 348-350 Lockhart Road, Wanchai. Please specify “Objection to amendments to the fugitive law” on the envelop.
iii. Payme: payment could be made to 6012 5454 by 12 noon on 4 June.
6. HKJA will announce the publishing date and details upon confirmation.
Enquiry: Hong Kong Journalists Association Tel: 2591 0692
未能免於恐懼 何來新聞自由?
1. 聯署表格所提供的一切資料(包括:姓名、聯絡方法),只作「新聞界聯署反對《逃犯條例》修訂聲明」廣告刊登之用。是次聯署行動只會公開聯署人姓名,不會公開其任職機構名稱及其他個人資料。所有聯署人提供的資料(除聯署姓名外)將絕對保密,並於簽名行動後妥善銷毀。
2. 香港記者協會的具名聯署將連同本聲明內容在6月上旬刊登報章廣告,聯署的截止日期為 6月4日(星期二)中午12時(逾時的聯署未必能夠保證趕及於報章刊登)。
3. 記協會視乎聯署人數決定刊登半版或全版廣告,不足之款額將由記協承擔。倘有餘款,記協將悉數撥捐慈善團體。
4. 是次刊登廣告的費用將由聯署人攤分,每位聯署者必須繳付廣告費用 HK$100(不設上限)。
5. 付款方法:
i. 直接存入記協銀行戶口/轉數快:匯豐銀行002-4-228-298,戶口名稱:香港記者協會/HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION。請把入數紙電郵至 info@hkja.org.hk/Whatsapp至6654 6409以作確認。入數紙請注明:「反對《逃犯條例》修訂」
ii. 郵寄劃線支票:支票請寄到灣仔駱克道348-350號恆發商業大廈15樓A室香港記者協會收,支票抬頭:「Hong Kong Journalists Association」信封面請注明:「反對《逃犯條例》修訂」,支票必須於6月4日(星期二)中午12時或之前寄抵記協。
iii. Payme使用者亦可於6月4日(星期二)中午12時或之前將款項交付6012 5454代收。
6. 確定刊登日期及詳情後,記協將再作公布。 查詢: 香港記者協會 電話: 2591 0692
HKJA is initiating a joint statement expressing objection to amendments to the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance. HKJA invites all current/former journalists journalists to participate, at a fee, in the publication of a joint statement in newspapers. Deadline: 12 noon on 4 June 2019 (Tuesday)
Details are as follows:
1. Information you provided will be solely for the purpose of the captioned joint statement (except the name of signatories). Information collected will be disposed of properly after the event.
2. The joint statement by HKJA, bearing the names of participants, will be published in a local newspaper within the first 10-day period of June. Deadline to participate is by 12 noon on 4 June (Tuesday). There is no guarantee that late participants will have their names included in the joint statement.
3. HKJA will decide to publish a full-page or half-page advertisement based on the number of participants. If there is any remaining balance, the balance will be donated to a charity organisation.
4. Current/former journalists who wish to participate in the joint statement are requested to transfer an advertising fee of HK$100 (no upper limit on the amount).
5. Method of payment:
i. Bank deposit/FPS: HSBC 002-4-228-298, bank account name: HONG KONG JOURNALISTS ASSOCIATION. Please email the payment receipt to info@hkja.org.hk or send the payment receipt via WhatsApp 6654 6409 as supporting document. Please specify “Objection to amendments to the fugitive law” on the payment receipt.
ii. By cheque: the cheque should be mailed to HKJA on or before 12 noon on 4 June. Address: Flat A, 15/F, Henfa Commercial Building, 348-350 Lockhart Road, Wanchai. Please specify “Objection to amendments to the fugitive law” on the envelop.
iii. Payme: payment could be made to 6012 5454 by 12 noon on 4 June.
6. HKJA will announce the publishing date and details upon confirmation.
Enquiry: Hong Kong Journalists Association Tel: 2591 0692
未能免於恐懼 何來新聞自由?
from 中国数字时代 https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/2019/05/%e9%a6%99%e6%b8%af%e6%96%b0%e8%81%9e%e7%95%8c%e8%81%af%e7%bd%b2%e5%8f%8d%e5%b0%8d%e3%80%8a%e9%80%83%e7%8a%af%e6%a2%9d%e4%be%8b%e3%80%8b%e4%bf%ae%e8%a8%82%e8%81%b2%e6%98%8e/