Tuesday, 6 December 2011


上回話說稅制是社會問題中核心的核心,KrugmanDelong都在討論Diamond與Saez的新文章。D&S認爲對最富有的人徵收70%的稅是最優稅率, Krugman:

Why? Because if you’re trying to maximize any sort of aggregate welfare measure, it’s clear that a marginal dollar of income makes very little difference to the welfare of the wealthy, as compared with the difference it makes to the welfare of the poor and middle class.

Delong引用Moral Sentiment裏的Adam Smith指出大部分人不會支持D&S的觀點的原因,雖然D&S的論點是難以推翻的:

Smith believes, because we naturally sympathize with others…the more pleasant our thoughts about individuals or groups are, the more we tend to sympathize with them. The fact that the lifestyles of the rich and famous “seem almost the abstract idea of a perfect and happy state” leads us to “pity…that anything should spoil and corrupt so agreeable a situation! We could even wish them immortal…”

In short, on the one hand, we don’t wish to disrupt the perfect felicity of the lifestyles of the rich and famous; on the other hand, we don’t wish to add to the burdens of those who have spent their most precious possession – their time and energy – pursuing baubles.


Still, don’t some of the very rich get that way by producing innovations that are worth far more to the world than the income they receive? Sure, but if you look at who really makes up the 0.1 percent, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that, by and large, the members of the super-elite are overpaid, not underpaid, for what they do.

For who are the 0.1 percent? Very few of them are Steve Jobs-type innovators; most of them are corporate bigwigs and financial wheeler-dealers. One recent analysis found that 43 percent of the super-elite are executives at nonfinancial companies, 18 percent are in finance and another 12 percent are lawyers or in real estate. And these are not, to put it mildly, professions in which there is a clear relationship between someone’s income and his economic contribution.


站出來爭取什麽、反對什麽只是一種意識上的表態行徑;能不能提出建設性的建議卻直接反映爭取的人與反對的人的精神狀態與思考能力。可悲的是,香港的抗爭只停留在發音階段,從來沒有人站出來作出有邏輯、有策略、有系統的主張。「資本主義」老祖宗Adam Smith早就知道人類並不能倚賴觀感來作出重大決定,爲什麽今天的「反對資本主義」者會比他們所反對的事物還不如?


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from 山中雜記 http://montwithin.wordpress.com/2011/12/06/%e4%bb%80%e4%b8%83%e7%a8%85%e8%88%87%e7%88%b2%e4%bb%80%e9%ba%bd%e6%88%91%e5%80%91%e5%8f%af%e4%bb%a5%e9%8c%af%e5%be%97%e9%80%99%e9%ba%bd%e5%8e%b2%e5%ae%b3/