Friday 31 January 2014

民主 vs 專制

翻譯了一篇認為專制比民主優勝的文章之後,仔細想了好久。然後我想起了另一篇譯文,David Runciman - 民主的問題


我們這些活在西方民主政體下的人有時候不免想贊同一點。羨慕獨裁者是民主政治的慣常特徵。我們並不是真的想要活在獨裁政府之下—我們對那種制度會帶來什麼 仍感到害怕,但是,我們確實羨慕獨裁者在危機中果斷行事的能力。


羨慕獨裁者的諷刺之處是,它和歷史的證據相佐。在過去100年,民主政體顯示了它們在處理任何政體需要面對的最嚴重危機時比獨裁政體做得更好。民主政體贏 了戰爭。它們捱過經濟災難。它們因應環境問題而作改變。而獨裁者正正因為無需首先處理輿論,最後造成災難性錯誤的是他們。當獨裁者把事情搞錯了,他們可能 會帶同整個國家和他們一起跌下深淵。而當民主國家的領袖把事情搞錯了,我們在他們可以構成無法彌補的破壞之前把他們趕下台。

然而,在危機當中,那並不能帶來多少安慰。我們一直羨慕獨裁者的原因是,當事情正在轉壞,沒有穩定的思緒就不能把眼光放遠。那些使民主政體在長遠佔優的特 質—它們對失敗的不安和不耐煩--也是難以把眼光放遠的特質。民主政體很不善於把握時機。它們的生存技巧是見一步走一步,得過且過。民主的詛咒是,我們注定要渴求我們不能有的東西。

1. You are comparing the drawbacks of democracy with the presumed strength of autocracy. When it comes to solving a difficult problem like prolonged economic downturn, democracy would generally not be able to make swift decisions because a consensus cannot be reached without (lengthy) discussion in which all parties affected can have their voices heard, the process is slow, exhausting, but that would best protect the interests of different parties, since all can express their respective concerns, there is a greater chance that when a solution is found, a decision is made, it would not overly in favor of some groups at the unjust expense of others. (出現難以解決的問題的時候,民主制度需要先有共識才能有決定,而達成共識是需要(長時間)討論的,一個問題的解決方案不免會影響一些人,他們需要有討論的機會來表達憂慮。討論過程很慢,很累人,可是這是最能夠保障不同利益的做法。所有人都能夠表達各自的憂慮,於是,最終出現的方案比較能平衡各方利益。)
2. Not all democracies do badly in terms of economy, Japan, a democracy suffering a lost decade or two, is nonetheless the third largest economy, and South Korea, a democracy which gives us Samsung and Hyundai and so on. (不是所有民主政體都在經濟上表現欠佳,反例:南韓)
3. It is true that China's impressive growth, but you need also to look at what contributed to that: the country has a low starting point; it has huge number of migrant workers who desperate to get a job, however low the wages may be; it does not need to respect the rights or property of the people, when a decision is made to old buildings demolished to make way for new ones, the residents have to accept compensations that do not fully reflect the values of what they have and get out, or face forced eviction, people who are not happy with their compensation can hardly voice their grievances. What they gained because of that growth might be theirs today, and those could be gone for a faction of their value at anytime.(中國強勁增長背後的黑暗面:強拆,迫遷等。)
4. the question should be, which system works better in ensuring fairness and protection of private property, and I believe that would be democracy and not autocracy. (民主,專制,那個制度更能保障公平?)