Sunday 28 September 2014


今天眼見的光明大路,都是前人鋪設出來。過去一個星期香港市民抗命不認命的英勇行動,是一班抗爭路上前輩打出來的基礎。由去維園集會會被扑頭,30 年來多少透過抗爭將言論和權利的空間打出來。香港人對自主命運的渴望和決心在過去一星期展現出來,亦是悠關社區、基層、政制內外由老前輩培養的覺醒。站在 台上的社運前輩,有誰不曾因抗爭而公民抗命,因抗爭被捕?到今日,歷史接上軌了。
學界於這場運動中已經付出了很多:今年兩月,學聯發起學界公投,約一萬五千名同學投票,堅持公民提名以及普及而平等的提名委員會。在民間公投中,面 對建制派不斷抹黑,依然有70萬名市民投票支持公民提名必不可少。在今年七一遊行後,我們發起留守遮打道的行動,掀起第一波公民抗命,數千名參與者成功留 守遮打道到7月2日朝早,511名示威者被捕。
人大常委會決議完全漠視香港人的訴求,為真普選全面落閘,三十年來的民主夢碎。然而,學生沒有失去希望,更加沒有認命。於9月22日,超過一萬三千 名學生參與罷課集會,向假普選說不。9月25日,四千名市民參與未經批准的遊行,走到禮賓府緝拿梁振英,是回歸後最大型的公民抗命行動。9月26日,面對 校長、家長以及社會的壓力下,一千五百名中學生依然參與罷課行動,要求人大開閘。9月26日晚,我們發起「重奪公民廣場」運動,數千名市民通宵包圍公民廣 場,要求奪回屬於自己的地方。
學生由商討、公投,至示威、遊行,繼而抗命、佔領,已經鼓動了風潮,造成抗命的時勢。但是,學生罷課,終究難以立即令當權者的秩序癱瘓。單靠學生的 力量,亦不足以推倒高牆。我們發起罷課,是為了掀起社會各界的不合作運動,我們現在期望,所有香港人都能站出來,全民抗命,令當權者不得不低頭,重奪屬於 我們的香港。
所以我呼求所有香港還未熄滅的靈魂參與這場鬥爭,負起時代的責任。請不要只說「支持學生」、「守護孩子」的口號。如果你還愛這個地方,為自己而戰! 不要再聲援別人,自己走進戰場吧!今次的運動需要全民一同抗命。希望在於人民,改變始於抗命,運動成敗,就在我們每一個人的參與!現在,就是社界各界攜手 推翻高牆的時候!
和平佔中回應特首發言聲明 (04:15, 09-29-2014):




梁振英呼籲佔中基於整體社會利益,停止行動,但實際上,為整體社會利益,梁振英應該下台,因為這樣才能重啟政改五部曲, 創造空間化解現在的危機。


Statement by Occupy Central with Love and Peace in Response to the Chief Executive
Since Hong Kong citizens began to use civil disobedience as a means to struggle for universal suffrage, the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying has refused to enter direct dialogue with the public. Instead, he has unilaterally spoken on television to criticize the Occupy Central movement. The Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP) movement strongly condemns this, and believe Leung ‘s non-response to the people’s demands has driven Hong Kong into a crisis of disorder. OCLP strongly demands that Leung Chun-ying resign to create a space for political reform and to defuse the crisis in our society.
Leung has said OCLP must bear responsibility for the blockage of traffic. OCLP believes the origin of the problem is the government’s first report on political reform which provoked public dissatisfaction. When members of the public wished to express their dissatisfaction at Civic Square, the government directed the police to use forcibly obstruct them and violence to crack down on them.
OCLP believes this has already become a spontaneous movement of the Hong Kong people that does not come under any organization. However, we will continue to fight alongside the people to strive for democracy and we fully support the current spontaneous and non-violent occupy actions.
Leung has urged OCLP to stop the activities for the sake of the overall interests of society but OCLP believes it is Leung Chun-ying who should resign because only this will make it possible to re-launch the political reform process and create a space in which the crisis can be defused.
Anyone with a conscience should be ashamed to be associated with a government that is so indifferent to public opinion. We urge all Executive Councillors and government officials under the accountability system, and who have a conscience, to resign from their positions and to stand with the people.

from 中国数字时代