(Please scroll down for English version)
1. 选举主任蔡亮在10月29日(星期二)早上10时45分来邮,表明我的提名无效,即被取消2019年区议会选举的参选资格。我强烈谴责政府进行政治筛选和审查,剥夺我的参选权利,反映选举主任沦为思想警察。
2. 选举主任多次声称「一般人亦会倾向相信」、「从客观角度及有关背景看」、「客观地假定」、「从客观推论的角度看」,指我并非真心真诚拥护《基本法》,从而褫夺我的参选资格。这些推论纯属选举主任的主观臆测,刻意忽略我提出的观点,显然是政权为求达成政治任务,「以客观为名,莫须有为实」,强行罗织罪名。
3. 我和香港众志理念主张一而贯之,由创立组织至今届区议会选举皆从无改变与退让。 「民主自决」就是在合乎宪制框架的情况下,让《基本法》及香港未来的前途安排,经得香港人的民主认受。我以极大的耐性三次回覆两位选举主任的提问,向他们仔细地条分缕析「民主自决」的信念,结果蔡亮女士仍然歪曲事实,更诬称我误导公众。事实上,欺骗大众者,是选举主任以及其背后的专权黑手。
4. 根据《区议会条例》所设立的报名表格内载有一份候选人拥护基本法的声明,我在报名参选时,已提交了这样的一份声明。根据《区议会条例》,我认为选举主任只有权「确认是否载有声明」,而无权审查参选人的政治意见。因此,我要求选举主任蔡亮公开由律政司所提供的「法律意见」,并将积极考虑提出选举呈请。
5. 选举主任回避及无视我对个人理念的申述,三轮的往覆对答以来,选举主任都是片面地理解我及香港众志有关「民主自决」的主张和倡议。政府将法律当成武器,任意地筛选和钳制政治思想,而当下市民每一天都见证政府无意无力维护人权自由。真正导致《基本法》沦丧的,并非「民主自决」理念,而是甘作鹰犬的香港政府。
6. 剥夺参选资格从来无关法律依据,封杀我的参政权利,只是中国当权者缺乏自信、恐惧民主的表现,亦是对我积极为香港抗争寻求国际关注的「惩罚」。今届区议会选举,虽仅我一人被禁止参选,我亦已呼吁居民票投海怡西区议会选举候选人林浩波 Kelvin Lam,但已揭示北京权力无远弗届,牢握香港的不公选举。
7. 此刻香港人要做的,就是继续加强反抗力度,在街头、议会、社区、国际等多条战线,为这场革命运动注入无比的活力与斗志。我相信在不远的将来,我们会享有一场自由、无拘束的真正民主选举,今个周未街头见。
1) The Returning officer, Laura ARON ruled my nomination invalid this morning, largely based on my political affiliation with Demosisto. Now, I have become the ONLY candidate banned from running in November’s District Council Election.
2) The decision to ban me from running office is clearly politically-driven. The so-called ‘reasons’ is judging subjectively on my intention to uphold Basic Law. But everyone would know that the true reason is my identity, Joshua Wong, is the crime in their mind. Beijing had DEPRIVED me of the right to institutional participation permanently
3) I wish to emphasize that, since the former RO Mrs Dorothy Ma’s disappearance in last week, it had become clear that Beijing exerted extremely strong pressure on HK gov’t officials who are responsible for deciding my candidacy.
Political censorship is an inconvenient truth that even political neutrality is lost.
3) I wish to apologise to my constituents if I have failed their expectation — to serve the residents as a councillor. But hereby I also affirm that, I still believe that democracy begins from the ground. In the future, I’m not giving up community advocacy just because Beijing doesn’t like me to do so.
4) I’m grateful to my teammate, Kelvin Lam, who bravely takes up this daunting task at this very moment, to run for office. I appeal to all voters in my district, to support Kelvin in this election.

from 中国数字时代 https://chinadigitaltimes.net/chinese/2019/10/%e9%bb%84%e4%b9%8b%e9%94%8b%ef%bc%9a%e9%80%89%e4%b8%be%e4%b8%bb%e4%bb%bb%e8%af%bb%e5%bf%83%e6%9c%af-%e5%8c%97%e4%ba%ac%e6%94%bf%e5%ba%9c%e7%a1%ac%e5%91%bd%e4%bb%a4-%e5%9b%9e/