Summary of Facts
Wanzhou Meng (“Meng”), also known as “Cathy Meng” and “Sabrina
Meng,” is the Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) of Huawei Technologies Co.
Ltd. (Huawei”), a corporation organized under the laws of the People’s
Republic of China (“PRC”) and the world’s largest telecommunications
equipment company. Meng is a citizen of the PRC and a daughter of
Huawei’s founder, Ren Zhengfei. In addition to her role as CFO, Meng
currently serves as Huawei’s Deputy Chairwoman of the Board, and serves
or has served in various roles at other Huawei subsidiaries and
affiliates. Meng also served on the board of Hong Kong-based Skycom Tech
Co. Ltd. (“Skycom”) in or about and between February 2008 and April
2009. According to financial statements for Skycom for the years 2009
and 2010, the “principal activities of Skycom were engaged in [sic]
investment holding and acting as a contractor for contracts undertaking
[sic] in Iran.”
孟晚舟,英文名Cathy Meng或Sabrina
According to information obtained through an investigation by U.S.
authorities, including the following, Huawei operated Skycom as an
unofficial subsidiary to conduct business in Iran while concealing
Skycom’s link to Huawei. In this manner and as explained in further
detail below, Huawei could conceal the nature of certain business it was
conducting in and related to Iran, which is generally considered a
high-risk jurisdiction.
Former employees of Skycom have stated, in sum and substance, that
Skycom was not distinct from Huawei. For example, Skycom employees had
Huawei email addresses and badges, individuals working in Iran used
different sets of stationery (“Huawei” and “Skycom”) for different
business purposes, and the leadership of Skycom in Iran were Huawei
Documents show that multiple Skycom bank accounts were controlled
by Huawei employees, and Huawei employees were signatories on these
accounts between 2007 and 2013;
Documents and email records show that persons listed as “Managing Directors” for Skycom were Huawei employees;
Skycom official documents, including several Memoranda of Understanding, bore the Huawei logo;
Email correspondence and other records show that all identified
Skycom business was conducted using “” email addresses; and
Documents show that a purportedly unrelated entity to which Skycom
was supposedly “sold” in 2009 was actually also controlled by Huawei
until at least in or about 2014.
Transactional records and other documents obtained by U.S.
authorities further demonstrate that Huawei operated Skycom as an
unofficial subsidiary to conduct business in Iran while concealing
Skycom’s link to Huawei. Among other things, records obtained through
the investigation show that Skycom was used to transact
telecommunications business in Iran for major Iranian-based
telecommunications companies.
The investigation by U.S. authorities has revealed a conspiracy
between and among Meng and other Huawei representatives to misrepresent
to numerous multinational financial institutions, including a global
financial institution which conducts business in the United States
(“Financial Institution 1”), Huawei’s business practices, particularly
Huawei’s control of Skycom in or about and between 2009 and 2014.
Specifically, Meng and other Huawei representatives repeatedly lied
about the nature of the relationship between Huawei and Skycom and the
fact that Skycom operated as Huawei’s Iran-based affiliate in order to
continue to obtain banking services from multinational financial
The motivation for these misrepresentations stemmed from Huawei’s
need to move money out of countries that are subject to U.S. or E.U.
sanctions – such as Iran, Syria, or Sudan – through the international
banking system. At various times, both the U.S. and E.U. legal regimes
have imposed sanctions that prohibit the provision of U.S. or E.U.
services to Iran, such as banking services. Of particular relevance,
companies such as Huawei operating in sanctioned countries often need to
repatriate income out of those countries by relying on U.S.-dollar
clearing transactions, which typically pass through the United States,
or Euro-clearing transactions, which typically pass through E.U.
countries. Huawei was a customer of Financial Institution 1 and the
other victim institutions, and conducted a significant amount of its
international banking activity, including U.S.-dollar-clearing
transactions, with Financial Institution 1. The financial institutions
at issue, including Financial Institution 1, maintained policies by
which they would not onboard Iran-based clients or process Iran-related
transactions through the United States, so as to avoid exposure to U.S.
civil and criminal liability. In response to due diligence inquiries by
the banks regarding these internal policies, Meng and other Huawei
representatives repeated stated that Huawei did not operate Skycom and
that, with respect to Financial Institution 1, Huawei would not use
Financial Institution 1 to process any Iran-related transactions.
Because Meng and other Huawei representatives misrepresented to
Financial Institution 1 and the other financial institutions about
Huawei’s relationship with Skycom, these victim banking institutions
were induced into carrying out transactions that they otherwise would
not have completed. As a result, they violated the banks’ internal
policies, potentially violated U.S. sanctions laws, and exposed the
banks to the risk of fines and forfeiture. In particular, these
relationships included the clearing of hundreds of millions of
U.S.-dollar transactions through correspondent accounts at financial
institutions in Eurozone countries. In essence, these misrepresentations
exposed the financial institutions to serious harm and denied the
institutions the opportunity to make decisions based on the true risk of
processing certain transaction and the reputations risk associated with
banking high-risk clients such as Huawei.
For example, during the relevant timeframe, Financial Institution 1
was under investigation for U.S. sanctions violations involving Iran
and later entered into a deferred prosecution agreement pertaining to
U.S. sanctions violations involving Iran, and could therefore have
suffered criminal consequences for processing Huawei’s Iran-based
Relying on the misrepresentations by Meng and other Huawei
representatives, Financial Institution 1 and its U.S. subsidiary cleared
more than $100 million worth of transactions related to Skycom through
the United States between approximately 2010 and 2014.
Many of the misrepresentations at issue were in direct response to a
series of articles published by Reuters describing how Huawei
controlled Skycom, and alleging that Skycom had attempted to import
U.S.-manufactured computer equipment into Iran in violation of U.S.
sanctions. One of the Reuters articles reported that Meng was a member
of the board of directors of Skycom for several years. In statements
reported in those Reuters articles, Huawei denied control of Skycom or
violations of law.
According to information obtained from international financial
institutions that conducted business with Huawei, after the Reuters
articles were published, several of them, including Financial
Institution 1, asked Huawei whether the allegations regarding their
control of Skycom and business with Iran made in the Reuters articles
were true. In response to those questions, Huawei employees and
executives made a series of misrepresentations, both publicly and in
private communications, with various banking executives, among other
things, denying Huawei’s control of Skycom and claiming Huawei did not
violate U.S. sanctions law.
For example, after the Reuters articles were published, Financial
Institution 1 requested that Huawei provide further information and
clarification regarding the relationship of Huawei and Skycom. Although
those inquiries were not addressed to Meng, on or about August 2013,
Meng arranged for a meeting with an executive of Financial Institution
1, and during that meeting, made a number of misrepresentations to an
executive of Financial Institution 1.
During that meeting, Meng used an English interpreter and relied on
a PowerPoint presentation written in Chinese. Meng stated that she was
using an interpreter to be precise with her language. After the meeting,
an executive from Financial Institution 1 asked for an English language
version of Meng’s PowerPoint presentation. Meng arranged for hand
delivery of the document to Financial Institution 1 on or about
September 3, 2013. The PowerPoint presentation included numerous untrue
or misleading representations regarding Huawei’s ownership and control
of Skycom and Huawei’s compliance with applicable U.S. laws. For
Meng stated that “Huawei operates in Iran in strict compliance with
applicable laws, regulations and sanctions of UN, US and EU,” although
Skycom was using the U.S. financial system to conduct prohibited
Iran-related transactions;
Meng stated that “Huawei’s engagement with Skycom is normal
business cooperation. Through its trade compliance organization and
process, Huawei requires Skycom to make commitments on observing
applicable laws, regulations and export control requirements.” However,
as discussed above, Huawei did not “cooperate” with Skycom; Skycom was
entirely controlled by Huawei;
Meng Stated that “Huawei was once a shareholder of Skycom, and I
[Meng] was once a member of Skycom’s Board of Directors. Holding shares
and a BOD position was meant to better manage our partner and help
Skycom to better comply with relevant managerial requirements.” However,
as discussed above, there were no “Skycom” employees who were managed
by Huawei; Skycom employees were Huawei employees;
Meng stated that “As there was no process or organization at
Skycom, Board supervision was the only way to ensure trade compliance.
Holding shares or assigning Board member could help Huawei to better
understand Skycom’s financial results and business performance, and to
strengthen and monitor Skycom’s compliance.” As discussed above, even
while Meng was on the Board, Huawei did not “monitor” Skycom’s
compliance – Skycom’s “employees” were effectively Huawei employees who
used Huawei email addresses.
Meng stated that “Huawei has sold all its shares in Skycom, and I
[Meng] also quit my position on the Skycom Board.” As discussed, that
statement was highly misleading because Huawei sold its shares in Skycom
to a company also controlled by Huawei.
Not only did Meng give this presentation herself, but both the
written presentation and her oral statements to the executive of
Financial Institution 1 refer to Meng in the first person, using the
word “I”, indicating Meng’s personal knowledge of the facts surrounding
her statements.
Following Meng’s presentation, several Financial Institution 1 risk
committees relied in part upon Meng’s representations to continue
banking Huawei. For example:
A briefing paper from in or about November 2013 stated, “Huawei
confirms that Skycom is a business partner of Huawei and works with
Huawei in sales and services in Iran.” The minutes for the meeting
reflect, “Huawei advised [Financial Institution 1] that its shareholding
in Skycom was sold in 2009 and that Cathy Meng (CFO Huawei) resigned
her position on the board of Skycom in April 2009 … [T]he committee
agreed to RETAIN the relationship with Huawei …”
Similar statements are in risk committee briefings from in or about
February 2014 and March 2014. All of the committees relied on Meng’s
statements, and none of these committees took adverse action related to
the Huawei relationship with Financial Institution 1.
An executive at Financial Institution 1 stated that Financial
Institution 1’s risk committee decided to retain Huawei as a client
because “Huawei sold Skycom and the Huawei Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
was no longer on the Skycom board.” The executive further said that,
had Huawei not actually sold Skycom, such a fact would have been
“material” to deciding to exit the client relationship.
On or about April 15, 2015, a Financial Institution 1 reputational
risk committee met in New York City to discuss whether to begin
providing banking services to a Huawei U.S. subsidiary. Meng’s statement
about Huawei’s sale of Skycom was presented to that committee, along
with other information. The committee declined to provide banking
services to the Huawei U.S. subsidiary.
The misrepresentations personally made by Meng were part of a
broader conspiracy to misrepresent the relationship between Huawei and
Skycom. Other Huawei employees and representatives made similar
misrepresentations to Financial Institution 1 and to at least three
other global financial institutions. For example, a reputational risk
report from one of those financial institutions states that “Huawei has
stated that Skycom is a HK [Hong Kong] local business partner and has no
further affiliation with Huawei.” Some of these misrepresentations were
made, involved, or resulted in interstate and foreign wire
Wanzhou Meng is a citizen of the People’s Republic of China born on
February 13, 1972. She is believed to reside in China. She is traveling
to Vancouver, Canada on Saturday, December 1, 2018, on Cathay Pacific
(CX) Flight 838, in transit to a third country, believed to be Mexico.
She is scheduled to arrive at Vancouver International Airport at
approximately 11:30 AM, PST. Meng will be traveling on a Hong Kong
passport bearing passport number KJ0403962. The photograph attached to
the Request for Provisional Arrest was obtained from a publicly
available website for HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD, which represents the
person depicted as Ms. Wanzhou Meng (Sabrina Meng), the Deputy
Chairwoman, and CFO.
The United States first obtained information regarding Meng’s
travel to Canada on November 29, 2018. U.S. authorities believe, based
on the totality of circumstances, that unless Meng is provisionally
arrested in Canada on Saturday, December 1, 2018, while in transit, it
will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to secure her presence
in the United States for prosecution. The United States has no
extradition treaty with the People’s Republic of China, and Meng, who is
the CFO of one of China’s major corporate entities and the daughter of
its founder, has significant assets at her disposal. She has the ability
to travel and remain outside of the United States indefinitely.
U.S. authorities believe that after in or about April 2017, Huawei
became aware of a U.S. criminal investigation of Huawei when Huawei’s
U.S. subsidiaries were served with a grand jury subpoena commanding
production of, among other materials, all records of Huawei’s Iran-based
business. As a result, Huawei executives began altering their travel
patterns, to avoid any travel to or through the United States.
Specifically, high-level Huawei executives, including Meng, have ceased
traveling to the United States. Although Meng previously traveled to the
United States multiple times in 2014, 2015, and 2016, her last trip to
the United States was from late February through early March 2017. Meng
has not come the United States since then. Moreover, another senior
Huawei executive came to the United States at least four times between
2013 and 2016, and has not traveled to the United States since then.