Activist: Child of Chinese lawyer Chen Guangcheng denied education
BEIJING — A rights activist says the 6-year-old daughter of a blind Chinese dissident has been barred from leaving her house and is unable to attend school.
He Peirong says the daughter of Chen Guangcheng and his wife has not been allowed to leave their house since Feb. 24 and her books have been taken away.
He said Tuesday that Chen’s daughter has not been allowed to attend school since it began last week.
Chen and his wife have been kept under house arrest in their village in eastern China since he was released from prison last fall.
Chen angered authorities after documenting forced late-term abortions and was sentenced for instigating an attack on government offices and organizing people to disrupt traffic, charges his supporters say were fabricated.
Filed under: Children, China, East China, Human Rights, Lawyer, News, People, Politics, Shandong, Social, World
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