Tuesday, 12 February 2013





[T]he story of a conflict between an “Old Navy” nuclear sub commander and his “New Navy” XO when faced with a “coin toss” decision as to whether or not a nuke salvo should be launched. The CO states that they will launch, as their last successfully received message said so, and the XO says there is reason to think that a garbled subsequent message could be a launch cancellation…the XO ultimately “relieving” the CO and taking command, cancelling the launch order…the officers and men of the boat are cast as “taking sides” in the conflict, debating wheter to launch or not.

[I]t is the Chief of the Boat who makes the most profound statement.  When the XO thanks him for supporting the XO’s decision to “relieve” the Captain, the COB simply said, “I did not side with you sir.  I side with the Navy, and the Navy says there must be CO and XO agreement to launch.  By the book, that means no launch, no matter what I think.”…

…[A]mongst all the moral and ethical debate of the consequences of either option, most people miss how significant this one statement by the COB really was.   The only “lawful order”, by the book, was not to launch.  Any further ethical, tactical or strategic debate over potential outcomes, was irrelevant.



有人可能會說這是否代表所有法律都要接受,而且我也提出法律並非絕對的觀點。沒錯,法律/規則不是絕對的,但提出不需要遵守法律的人也得提出法律在這場合爲什麽不對,爲什麽不需要遵守法律的論述來。另外,他也得説明法律爲什麽要有這樣的規定,法律中有否有效的保護機制,例如actual malice, qualified privilege等,去防止濫用。假如他不能合理說清法律上有什麽不合理的地方,那「惟一合法的命令」就是依照現有規則行事。



from 山中雜記 http://montwithin.wordpress.com/2013/02/12/%e7%99%bc%e5%b0%84%e9%82%84%e6%98%af%e4%b8%8d%e7%99%bc%e5%b0%84%e6%a0%b8%e5%bd%88%ef%bc%9f/