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莫拉•莫伊尼汉(Maura Moynihan)是美国作家 和著名的有关图伯特难民的人权活动人士, 同时还长年担任自由亚洲电台顾问。 |
◎ 谁是莫拉·莫伊尼汉?
◎ 莫拉对阿沛·晋美的高度评价
“解雇了阿沛·晋美, 这已造成自由亚洲电台藏语部的一系列危机,
“达兰萨拉的办公室知道下述情况吗?――刘仚(Libby Liu)及其助手嘎登洛卓(Kalden Lodoe)已经出于政治原因而解雇了晋美,
◎ 关于美国议员罗拉巴切的信
◎ 谈自由亚洲电台台长刘仚造成的伤害
对于自由亚洲电台台长刘仚(Libby Liu)女士的所作所为,
“一位目击者说:‘刘仚(Libby Liu)总是以一种太贴近的惬意的方式坐在尊者旁边’。
◎ 对西藏流亡政府首相洛桑森格的质疑
“洛桑森格刚刚在新德里会见了刘仚。讨论的是什么? 做了什么交易? 洛桑森格先生需要解释,2012年7月,
MAURA |?DECEMBER 10TH, 2012 | 12:48 PM
DAVENO – whoever you are, please do not sully this blog with your crude and scatological comments. And bear in mind that the US congressional funds for ANY Tibet aid, with RFA, Fulbright, etc. were won after YEARS of hard work, so the TPR is quite correct to point out that the letters sent to Cong. Rorabacher by the Sikyong and the CTA could have been less strident and more professional. I have read so many posts here and elsewhere insulting and attacking the US congressman, when 99% of Tibetan refugees in South Asia would pay crores of ruppees to a criminal visa broken in aback alley of Majnu ka Tila to get to the United States. The hard truth is that in the USA, the China lobby is SO powerful, but support for Tibet is very thin. The Tibet movement only wins moral victories which are not enough. So think twice before you insult one of the very few members of Congress who cares about Tibet, or the TPR when they present a balanced and well written article about the RRA scandal.
MAURA |?DECEMBER 10TH, 2012 | 3:26 PM
DHASA YOGI thank you for you very kind words about my late father Senator Moynihan. Our family first came to know of the Chinese Communist Occupation of Tibet in the early 70′s when my father was the US Ambassador to India so it has been 40 years that we have supported HH Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people.
I am frankly appalled by so many of the foul language and insults in these comments on this blog and others, when hard and ugly facts are presented about serious issues such as the firing of Jigme Ngabo and the involvement of the CTA with Libby Liu. Attacking the messenger makes the problem worse. I am very concerned to see China’s power growing MORE AND MORE – the exile Tibetans need to understand just how fragile support for Tibet really is. The CTA needs to understand that they must PROECT HH Dalai Lama from people like Libby Liu, who is photographed holding HH Dalai Lam’a hand, then does irreparable harm to the RFA Tibet service at a time when RFA’s work HAS NEVER BEEN BETTER and the crisis in TIbet HAS NEVER BEEN WORSE.
The CTA must PROECT His Holiness and not exploit him to make connections or any other personal purpose of whatever individual wants to use His Holiness. I have seen it far too often and it is painful to watch.
Lobsang Sangay just met with Libby Liu in New Delhi at the Hyatt. What was discussed? What deals were made? Mr. Sangay needs to explain WHY he met with the BBG Board in JULY 2012 when technically only RFA staff should lobby the BBG. Mr. Sangay should know the rules.
Mr. Sangay owns a home in Medford, Mass, he paid off his mortgage fully a week before he was sworn in as Kalon Tripa. He claims that he has never sought US citizenship and only holds an Indian RC, but US sources say he has a green card if not already a US Passport. So he is not stranded in a poor, isolated refugee camp in India and he went to Harvard, he should be more forthcoming about WHAT exactly did he discuss with RFA and BBG members. RFA is US taxpayer funded so it is not an NGO that works for Dharamshala.
MAURA |?DECEMBER 4TH, 2012 | 3:56 AM
Hello Mr TIBETAN – your language smacks of the CCP’s 50 cent club. Just for the record, neither I nor Jamyang Norbu fired Jigme Ngabo, which has created a serious crisis in the RFA Tibet service at a time when RFA’s reporting on the self immolations in Chinese Occupied Tibet has NEVER BEEN BETTER – this isn’t a “lie”, Jamyang is simply reporting the facts. Clearly that makes you, whomever you are, very agitated. Sorry about that.
MAURA |?DECEMBER 2ND, 2012 | 3:13 PM
DOES the private office in Dharamshala know that Liby Liu, with the assist of Kalden Lodoe, has fired Jigme Ngabo for political reasons, thereby harming RFA’s Tibet service at a time when the self immolations are exploding and RFA’s work has never been better and is getting recognitions around the globe?? Why does Kalden Lodoe have the power to get private audiences with HH Dalai Lama for his cronies, when many much more deserving people who have worked so hard for Tibet for so long, CANNOT????? Kalden Lodoe is said to have many relatives in the CTA and is trying to get a relative into Jigme’s job. This nepotism is abusive and harmful.
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 29TH, 2012 | 3:25 PM
I have spoken to several sources in Washington connected with the US government, who SAW Libby Liu and Lobsang Sangay in London twice this year, in July 2012 and on October 23rd, 2012. HH Dalai Lama was in London for a symposium on that date. Lobsang Sangay flew in from the Czech Republic just for the event and to meet with Libby Liu. A witness said: “Libby Liu was always seated next to His Holiness in a way that was too close for comfort”. And just a week later, she fires Jigme Ngabo for personal and political reasons, causing immense harm to Radio Free Asia’s Tibet reporting at a time when the crisis in Tibet is escalating and RFA’s work has never been better. Ms. Liu, Kalden Lodroe and Arthur Ashe, a BBG Board member, are presently in Mundgod, for HH Dalai Lama’s teaching, and documents now available on-line from Kalden Lodroe requested Lobsang Sangay’s office to arrange VIP treatment for Ms. Liu. After she has done such irreparable harm to the Tibet service at RFA, why is she getting such favorable treatment from Lobsang Sangay and his colleagues???
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 29TH, 2012 | 6:06 PM
FROM THE BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Meeting with Lobsang Sangay and Lobsang Nyandak in 2012, shortly before the firing of Jigme Ngabo and the termination of Jamyang Norbu’s RFA contract:
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 | 4:09 PM
For a detailed account of the Chinese Communist delegation that visited Dharamshala in August 2012, here is a post by Jayadeva Ranade, a senior Indian intelligence official:
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 | 4:20 PM
May I respond to the childish and insulting comments by “TIBETAN”, posted above. As a journalist, I have reported about conditions in Tibet for 3 decades and I have never once had to print a retraction or have had my integrity or standards questioned from any quarter. What then, may I ask, are the “horrible things” you allege I am engaged with, other than reporting the hard facts about visa brokers and criminals operating freely and causing immense harm to the Tibetan community? These stories are well known to Indian, American and European officials, who have serious concerns about protecting the Tibetan people. I am very familiar with insulting posts from the Chinese “50 cent” internet brigade, and your language smacks of it. If you are in the employ of the Chinese Communist Party, defaming the Tibetan people by and their freedom struggle is a cheap way to get some easy cash. Every journalist knows these tricks and are not fooled.
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 30TH, 2012 | 5:13 PM
PLEAS READ JAYADEVA RANADE’s ARTICLE on the Chinese Communist Delegation meeting with Lobsang Sangay in Dharamshala in August 2012:
MAURA |?DECEMBER 3RD, 2012 | 1:10 AM
THANK YOU AJO CHE – I hope that my articles will start a rational discussion about how to help the Tibetans in exile get citizenship legally, and NOT be trapped by unscrupulous visa brokers. Why do these visa brokers operate so freely and so openly, breaking laws and ruining lives? Why are people afraid to talk about it?
MAURA |?NOVEMBER 27TH, 2012 | 9:25 PM
THANK YOU JAMYANG for connecting the dots from Beijing, through Dharamshala,to Xinhua in the Washington Post, and New York Times and to Radio Free Asia, which under Jigme Ngabo’s superb leadership had been reporting the hard and ugly facts about the crisis in TIBET. Indeed, Jigme’s unjustified dismissal could not come at a worse time for the people in Tibet.
I have worked with Radio Free Asia since 1998, with Jigme Ngabo, and I have the utmost respect for his character, judgement, values and conduct. Has the long arm of the CCP penetrated Radio Free Asia, one of the very few Tibet services yet uncorrupted? And paid for by United States taxpayers?
from 看不见的西藏~唯色 http://woeser.middle-way.net/