Monday 6 February 2012


译者 20986110

Trusting someone requires two ingredients. First, one must believe the person has your best interests at heart. It's hard to trust a louse (unless of course the louse is on your side). Second, one must believe the person can do what he says—one must have confidence in his competence. And an important part of competence is self-control. Skill and aligned interests aren't much good if your buddy's a flake. A new set of findings reveals not only that people can perceive others' chronic and momentary levels of self-control, but that we use this information to judge others' trustworthiness.


The paper, published in the May issue of the Journal of Personality of Social Psychology by Francesca Righetti and Catrin Finkenauer of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, reported four experiments. In the first, subjects read about a student with money problems who either resisted the urge to shop at a record store or splurged on a bunch of CD's. Then they answered questions about the student's self-control and trustworthiness. The penny-pincher received higher ratings than the spender on both counts, and ratings of trustworthiness were fully dependent on ratings of self-control.

五月,阿布斯特丹Vrije大学的学者法兰西斯卡·盖帝和Catrin Finkenaue在社会心理学杂志《人格》上发表了一篇论文,披露了四个实验。第一个实验,受试者阅读了关系经济上出现了问题的学生的材料,这些学生要么克制自己想去唱片店的冲动或者炫耀已有的唱片。然后他们再给这些学生做自控能力和可信度的评分。每分钱都算着用的学生得到的评分比花钱大手大脚的学生要高得多了,而学生的可信赖值的得分则完全依赖于学生控制能力的得分。

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In the second experiment, people in couples rated their partners on self-control, trustworthiness, and behaviors indicative of self-control:forgiveness, reliability, and goal achievement. The most forgiving, reliable, and successful partners (as perceived by their sweethearts) were judged to have the most self-control and to be the most trustworthy. And, after controlling for other factors, the effects that perceived forgiveness and reliability had on perceived trustworthiness could be explained by their influence on perceived self-control. If you're forgiving, that means you can handle your shit, and that means I can trust you. Subjects were also more committed to partners perceived to have high self-control, because they trusted them more.


Studies 3 and 4 tested the effects of sensing that someone had temporarily depleted self-control. Subjects were less likely to trust another person when the person had just performed a difficult task for 15 minutes versus 2 minutes. (In study 4, trust was measured by investment in one's partner during an economics game.) Again, perceived trustworthiness was influenced by perceived self-control.


"I have rarely conducted research that yielded findings that were so consistent across different types of relationships (strangers and married couples), paradigms (experimental and survey studies), and measures," Finkenauer wrote me in an email.


If you want to improve your friendships or romantic life, Finkenauer recommends working on improving your self-control—which can be done with simple exercises. "An increasing amount of research highlights the importance of having good self-control for the development and maintenance of harmonious, long-lasting relationships," she said. Their findings extends this research by showing that your level of self-control is on constant display, and can be used against you. Look sharp!

如果你想改善友谊或者烂漫的生活品质, Finkenauer建议你努力去提高你的自制能力---只要做一些简单的联系就可以提高。越来越的调查显示,自制能力的提高,对于维护自身的荣誉,长久的关系都是至关重要的。她说,“他们的调查发现扩展了这些研究的外延,你的自控能力的程度是长期曝露在外的,而且别人可以借此针对你(你的自控能力跟你的可信赖度关系)。震惊吧!”

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