Monday 6 February 2012

Facebook IPO:吹大的气球容易爆

译者 Nasca

Facebook is expected to announce its IPO registration Wednesday, and is rumored to be seeking a valuation of $100 billion. That’s more than half of Google’s market value, which stands at $188 billion. But Facebook brings in only one 10th the revenues that Google does. So how can it possibly be worth half as much as Google?


That is a question that any other company might have to answer as it tries to sell stock to the public. But not Facebook. This company is different. No matter what the price, investors will clamor to own a piece of a company that has defined social networking and has, in effect, built its own private Internet, with more than 800 million members.


Facebook reportedly aims to raise $5 billion (earlier reports guessed $10 billion) in the deal, which would take place in May and rank as one of the biggest IPOs of all time. (See chart.)


There are lots of reasons to be wary, including these:


• Facebook’s operating profit for 2011 is said to have been about $1.5 billion. That’s a respectable profit margin, but by no means outstanding.


• As Business Insider pointed out, Facebook is seven years old and its revenues lag behind what Google’s were in its seventh year. Moreover, Google was building its business at a time when there was less overall ad spending on the Internet.


• Google’s answer to Facebook, the Google+ social network, now has 90 million members and is growing quickly. It’s no threat to Facebook today but could be in the future.

·谷歌用以PK Facebook的社交网络Google+目前用户数已达9千万,且增长迅猛。虽说要抗衡Facebook一时半会还做不到,但这也只是时间问题。


But the biggest concern is the $100 billion valuation that Facebook is seeking. To get an idea how outrageous this is, consider that Apple—the biggest, most powerful, most lucrative tech company in the world—sells for just over three times last year’s revenues. If you valued Facebook that way it would be worth only $12.5 billion.


Do the same calculation with Google, and Facebook is worth $20 billion. Assign the same multiple as Facebook game maker Zynga, which is one of Facebook’s biggest sources of revenue (Facebook skims 30 percent of Zynga’s virtual-goods transactions) and Facebook is worth $25 billion.


But maybe you figure that Facebook deserves a better multiple, because it will grow faster than any of these companies. So, fine. Assign Facebook double the multiple of Zynga, and even then it’s only worth $50 billion.


You get the idea. The idea that Facebook is worth $100 billion, or even $75 billion, is, well, a bit optimistic. Or would be, if there were anything rational about this deal. But there isn’t.


Investors will view the Facebook IPO the way Apple fans view every new iPad or iPhone, not so much as a product but as a kind of cultural event.


Heck, $50 billion is the valuation that Goldman Sachs and other investors paid for a chunk of Facebook in January of 2011.


Recently, shares in Facebook have been trading on secondary markets at valuations around $80 billion, according to TechCrunch.


If Facebook traded at a rational price, those investors would be underwater. But chances are, they’ll be fine. Because Facebook has a great story and an amazing brand. Who hasn’t heard of Facebook? Who doesn’t use it?


For every curmudgeon like me who grumbles about relative valuations, there will be 10 optimists in Silicon Valley who will say Facebook’s valuation makes perfect sense. They’ll remind everyone that Google and Amazon once seemed to be outrageously expensive too, but look at them today. (Just keep in mind that those optimists are probably holding Facebook shares and hoping to flog them off to the public, so of course they'll tell you what a great deal they are.)


The guys in Silicon Valley will say who cares about last year’s revenues, because Facebook is just getting started. And how can you compare Facebook with Google, or any company, for that matter? Facebook is uniquely positioned to cash in on the Internet in ways no other company can match.


Investors will view the Facebook IPO as a once-in-a-lifetime event. They will view this deal the way Apple fans view every new iPad or iPhone, not so much as a product but as a kind of cultural event, something you can’t afford to miss.


Finally, selling only $5 billion worth of stock, Facebook will constrain supply, which should boost its price. If demand is insane, Facebook can expand the amount of stock to sell.


The risk is that while Facebook may pull off a $100 billion valuation, it might have trouble going higher. Especially if at some point the irrational exuberance wears off and reality starts to set in.


The fault lies with private investors who have driven this company up so much in private markets that it’s been picked clean, leaving little upside for public investors. Something similar happened to Zynga, which had been so overpriced in private funding rounds that its IPO price was actually lower than what it fetched from T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, and others.

造成这种情况的主要罪魁是私募市场的投资者,他们把股价炒得太高,以致公募的时候股价没多少上涨空间。这种情况也在Zynga身上发生过,其公募的股价比私募时售给T. Rowe Price、Fidelity等投资公司的股价低。

That sort of thing isn’t supposed to happen. But this is the brave new world of tech investing. With Facebook, and some of the other new tech companies, the smart money has already got in and got out long before the IPO ever happens.


Dan Lyons is technology editor at Newsweek and the creator of Fake Steve Jobs, the persona behind the notorious tech blog The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs. Before joining Newsweek, Lyons spent 10 years at Forbes.

关于作者:丹·莱昂斯是《新闻周刊》的科技编辑,风靡全美的搞笑商业小说《乔布斯的秘密日记》正是出自此人之手,书中创造了假史蒂夫·乔布斯(Fake Steve Jobs)这个臭名昭著的经典角色。加入《新闻周刊》的编辑团队之前,莱昂斯为《福布斯》工作了十年。

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