
Saturday 1 March 2014

Farewell, Gary LOCKE!中英双语对照版 让美国人民见识见识党媒五毛的无耻

@黎津平:中国新闻社发的署名”王平”的这篇文章,满纸骂大街,将胡搅蛮缠、坐地炮、母老虎、滚刀肉等低俗恶俗媚俗的三俗之风发挥的淋漓尽致,恶劣 文风甚至不如文痞姚文元,把中华5000年文明的脸都丢尽了。王平,你写这样的文章,你父母知道吗?中国新闻社,你发这样的文章,你的上级单位国务院侨办 知道吗?
@浔阳女高音:骆家辉这个在美国出生的中国人,在自己祖辈出生的国度当了2年大使,期间做了3件事:拒绝了王立军,带走了陈光诚,告诉了国人pm2.5 ……

Farewell, Gary LOCKE![1]
by: Wang Ping
Source: Published by China News Service, a state-owned news agency on 27 February 2014.
骆家辉是一个在美国出生的第三代华裔,他的“黄皮白心”的香蕉人属性成了奥巴马外交的优势。美国亚太新战略的显露,选择在他的任期内。因为,一个人 要想拆你的台,总要留给人“我是为你着想”的印象。当美国在亚太不断搅起漩涡、制造矛盾的时候,却有一个表面上久居海外的游子、黑头发黄皮肤的皮囊来为美 国叫好。真是演得一出好双簧。
Gary Locke is a third generation Chinese American born in America. Like a banana, he’s yellow on the outside, but white on the inside. This character of his has been well exploited by the Obama administration for its diplomatic advantages – [that is why] America’s Asia-Pacific strategy has started to surface during his tenure. When people want to undermine your [works and efforts], they do it under the disguise that they are “for your own benefits”. So above the table there you have a black hair, yellow skinned Chinese diaspora generating favourable impressions for the U.S.; but beneath such impression is the America’s effort to stir up storms and create tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. What a deceptive duet.
然而香蕉放久了“黄皮”总归是要烂掉的,不但“白心”会露出来,也会变成反胃的“黑心”。也许骆氏觉得单靠黄皮肤出场是不够的。经历过美国政治竞选 秀的骆氏懂得利用媒体。于是乎,各种“轻车简行、背包自助游、坐经济舱”的戏码轮番登场。一开始,确实赚到了朴素善良的中国人的眼球。但后来仔细想 想,放着公务舱、珍馐美味,偏要“无意”在镜头前坐经济舱、吃快餐,其实和有钱人偶尔去农家乐然后拍照上传“作秀”有什么不同?骆氏是否作秀我不敢乱说, 至少美国人自己的媒体透露,他任华盛顿州景郡郡长、竞选华盛顿州州长期间对于属地公司的行贿向来“手到擒来”。
However, after a while, a banana will inevitably start to rot. Not only its “white core” deep inside will then be exposed, it will also have been rotted into a disgusting “black core”. Maybe Mr Locke thinks the yellow skin alone will not be enough [to achieve his objective], that is why, as a man well weathered in the U.S. election circus, also started to manipulate the media.
Dramatic headlines depicting his “light”, “simple”, “backpacking” and “economy class” style of travel then came one after another and grabbed attentions of many kind and plain-minded Chinese people in the start. But when you think about it after the media frenzy, a question then comes to the mind. “Why would Mr Locke give up first class travel and ambrosia foods, but “accidentally” let the camera catches moments like he traveling in economy class and eating fast food? This is no different than how rich people occasionally visit a peasant’s house in the countryside, and upload the photos to show off.
It is not [just] my opinion that Mr Locke have had put on a show [for the Chinese People], but according to AMERICAN media reports, during his tenure as the executive of King County, WA and the election campaign for the Governor of Washington State, it was rather Mr Locke’s second nature to accept bribes from companies located within his territorial responsibility.
其实,骆大使的真人秀是财政上“节流开源”好案例。说“节流”,是因为美国大使的财务是包干的,坐公务舱、吃豪宴预算就用完了,坐经济舱、吃快 餐省下的钱是不退的。说“开源”,作秀背后需要的安保、宣传成本,就是新的预算项目。我们很好奇,大使先生“节流开源”后省下的钱,莫不是去开广告公司 了?只是听外媒说,大使先生在没有镜头的时候,住的是耗资上亿美元的大使官邸,出行代步的是特制防弹豪华专车。
Actually, this reality show put on by Ambassador Locke serves as an excellent example on how one could “broaden his income sources” and “reduce his expenditure”. By “reduce expenditure”, I mean [the State Department] already budgeted American ambassadors’ expenditures in travelling in first class and eating luxury food. If he chooses to travel in economy class and eat fast food, he wouldn’t get any refund. By “broaden his income sources”, I mean items such as security and propaganda [created by his show-off] all need to be budgeted.
We wonder where’s the money that Mr Ambassador has saved? To open a new advertising company? But What I have heard from the foreign media is that, without the presence of media, Mr Locke lives in an official residence valued at more than 100 million dollars, and travels in a specially made, bullet proof luxury limousine.
大使本职是传声筒,让两家不至于稀里糊涂吵架动手。但骆氏不但不认祖先的文字,还看不懂中国法律,特喜欢对着中国的内政指手画脚。每次美国官员 访问中国,骆氏都会递上简报,大谈中国所谓的人权及西藏问题,提点美国官员借机敲打中国。他还跑到新疆、西藏,煽邪风,点邪火。他自己跑不够,还收留所谓 的维权律师陈光诚,然后“义务”带着这位盲人一起跑,成功发挥了“导盲犬”的作用。由此,骆氏顺利荣膺大使行业里扔掉起码的外交礼仪的“奇葩”桂冠。
Ambassadors should serve as a reliable communication channel between two countries, preventing them from getting into meaningless strife due to misunderstandings. But Mr Locke, foreign to the words of his ancestors, unable to understand Chinese Laws, loved to interfere and lecture on China’s internal affairs. Mr Locke prepared briefings that are heavily focused on China’s so called “human rights” and “Tibetan” issues to every visiting U.S. official, reminding them to pressure China [on these issues]. He has also visited Xinjiang and Tibet, tried to fan the flame of evil.
Not satisfied with his own effort, he also provided refuge to the so called rights lawyer Chen Guangchen. He also “volunteered” himself to take this blind man around, successfully fulfilling the duty of a “guide dog”. From there, Mr Locke no longer had any regard to basic diplomatic etiquette, and can be justifiably crowned as the number one weirdo among the ambassadors.

骆氏如此费力地演出,图个啥呢?其实在他甫一到任时就说了:“我们也通过会见宗教领袖和一些人权律师广泛传播了美国价值观。”原来,他是让我们 爱美国,想美国,揣着钱包去美国。他是这么想,也是这么做的。他卖力“投资”中国舆论界,以官方或民间基金会的名义资助、收买“亲美人士”,发展“美分 党”。对了,还有他津津乐道的“大幅缩短了中国人签证面谈等候的时间,让90%的申请者都可以拿到签证”。可是您想到没有,要不是中国经济的腾飞鼓起了中 国人的腰包和精气神儿,哪有那么多人去美国啊!
Why would Mr Locke go for this great length to put on such an extravaganza? Well, as he put it at the time when he took the office: “we have greatly spread the American values through meeting with religious leaders and human rights lawyers.” Now I get it, he wanted us to love America, miss America, and have us to go to America with our purses. This was what he said and what he did. He has heavily invested in [manipulating] Chinese public opinion. Under the disguise of governmental and non-governmental organisation aids, [he] had bought [the support] “pro-American people” and grew “[Five] U.S. cent party”. Oh and one other thing he always enjoyed babbling about: How the embassy has “significantly reduce the length of waiting period for a Visa interview, and more than 90% of applicants would successfully get a visa”. But there’s one idea that had never came across to his mind: It was China’s economic success that has boosted Chinese people’s income and confidence level. Without it, there wouldn’t be that many people wanting to visit the U.S.
当我们国家为治理环境群策群力的时候,大使先生放着本职工作不作,更没有告诉我们美国也有洛杉矶污染的“光灰岁月”,而是拿着测试仪读取北京 PM2.5数值并发微博。不知道他究竟何为,反正听说这之后美国大使馆工作人员的补贴和使馆配套设备都上了新台阶。骆氏也利用我们治理环境,再次恶心了我 们一次。
When our country is pouring each and every one’s effort into tackling the environmental issues, Mr Ambassador didn’t bother to fulfill his duties as an ambassador, nor did he tell us that the skies in Los Angeles also had not so “glorious days”. What he did is to have the instruments getting the PM 2.5 readings in Beijing and then putting them on Weibo. I don’t know why he did this, but what I have heard is that subsidies for staff members of the U.S. Embassy and Embassy equipment have all increased thereafter. Again, Mr Locke have sickened us while we were dealing with the environmental issues.
美国对于外人,似乎从未像说的那么“有爱心”过,除了海湾中亚的坦克导弹,还有埃及乌克兰的街头冲突。欧洲人称这是新时期的“十字军东征”,但 当地的自由、机会和平等却是荡然无存。说到这,我想提醒骆先生,以后再外放大使的时候,不要随便“轻车简行”啦。毕竟不是每个国家都向中国这么友好,安 全。日本有山口组,伊拉克、阿富汗还有AK-47,很危险哩!
Hearsay has it that America is a caring nation. Doesn’t look like it when you see how America treats foreigners. From tanks and missiles in Central Asia and Gulf States, to street violence in Egypt and Ukraine, Europeans called it “the Crusade of the New Age”, and liberty, opportunity and equality in those countries vanished with it. I also want to remind Mr Locke, if you are ever going to be sent to another foreign post, please take extra care and not to travel so “light”. After all, not all countries are as friendly and safe as China. There’s Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan and AK-47s in Iraq and Afghanistan. [These places] are very dangerous!
如今,在斯诺登搞的白宫灰头土脸之后,骆氏走了。他说,一切为了孩子。呵呵,看起来您还是铁了心让后辈也服务美国的“自由、机会和平等”了。毕 竟,我们都知道美国的枪口往哪指、开炮往哪揍了。亚太的水快被他的后台导演以及导演的日本、菲律宾小伙伴搅浑了。再表现“为你着想”没人信了。至少,我们 知道,“四海炎黄是一家”的观念需要改一改了。大使先生想让我们去爱美国,我不想多说什么了,但我想起骆氏祖上豪杰骆宾王说过一句话:
After Snowden left the White House in shattered ruins, Mr Locke left [China] as well. He said, it was for the benefit of his children. Hehe, looks like you have made up you mind, wanting your children also serve the “liberty, opportunity and equality” of the U.S.. After all, we have already known where the America’s guns and cannons are pointing at. The backstage mastermind controlling Mr Locke, along with the two little partners of that mastermind – Japan and Philippines had nearly succeeded in messing up the [political] waters in the Asia-Pacific.
The “we are for your own benefits” disguise no longer works. We now at least know, Chinese people and descendants home and abroad are not one big, same minded family. If Mr Ambassador wanted us to love America, then I have nothing more to say. But I am being reminded that a great Chinese poet, an ancestor of Mr Locke (Luo), Luo Binwang once wrote:
“Please take a serious look at our country, you are not the royal house that owns it!”
Mr Ambassador, do your ancestors know your “performances” [as an ambassador in China?] [I think] they’ll have you expelled from the family if they knew.
When Mr Locke came, he brought the smog along with him to Beijing; now he’s no longer here, the skies in Beijing are suddenly brighter than ever. Gently Mr Ambassador flicked his sleeves, brings away the smog that had clouded our mind[2]. Where is he going? Must be some places that needed him to stir up a storm. Farewell, smog; farewell, the plague; Farewell Gary LOCKE![3]
[1] A play on Chairman Mao’s Eassy “Farewell, Leighton Stuart”,“别了,司徒雷登”
[2] A reference to Chinese poet Xu Zhimo’s “Taking Leave of Cambridge Again” “再别康桥”.
[3] A reference to Chairman Mao’s poem “Farewell the Plague”,“送瘟神”,which celebrates the eradication of blood-flukes in Yujiang County.
Translation: @Arctosia
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