
Sunday 23 February 2014

BBC長篇報道 警告中國經濟或崩潰

中國大陸自改革開放後的持續經濟增長相當知名,但近幾年已經受到嚴峻挑戰。英國廣播公司(BBC) 的經濟事務編輯Robert Peston,昨日在英文網發表專題文章「Will China shake the world again?」,表示大陸以瘋狂借貸支撐的經濟增長模式將令大陸面臨經濟崩潰,甚至影響全世界。中文版譯文「中國是否會再次震撼世界?」今早亦已上載到中 文網,並且被中文網編輯列為「頭條新聞」及「特別推薦」,同時是「最多人閱讀」的文章首位。


Peston 在文章舉出了多個大陸瘋狂建設的現象。在他採訪的武漢,市長 唐良智表示要在5年內花費2千億英鎊,建設地鐵、機場、摩天大樓、高科技商業區等、目標是令武漢成為一個「世界特大城市」,規模足以挑戰上海。 Peston表示不只在武漢,中國各大小城市在過去幾年間都有類似的建設浪潮,規模「令人難以置信」,但是這種發展既不平衡,亦不持續。

Peston 亦提出了多個 令人咋舌的數據指標,例如大陸在金融海嘯後出現大量基建,令大陸的投資總額飆升到佔全國GDP一半,比重比大多數已發展經濟體多3至4倍,亦超越日本在上 世紀後期經濟起飛時的數字。另外,中國的債務年增長率約15%,結果債務佔GDP比率由2008年約125%,已急升至目前的200%。惠譽公司的分析員 Charlene Chu亦表示,2008年的大陸銀行業規模只有10萬億美元,但現時已高達24至25萬億美元:


在接近文末,Peston 說債務推動的大陸經濟現時面臨兩個結果,一個是政府臨崖勒馬,重新以真實內需帶動經濟增長,此舉會令經濟增長率降低至4%,但可以避免泡沫爆破;另一個是 繼續維持現有模式,最後出現席捲全國以至全世界的經濟崩潰。不過一名和北京有密切聯繫的著名投資者CharlesLiu表示,即使政府採取前者做法,4% 的增長卻未必能滿足人民對就業機會和更佳生活的渴望,政府亦未必有足夠能力防止不斷發生的抗議和騷亂。


在英文版文章章節「Toxic investment」當中,最後3段文字都沒有在中文譯文中譯出。當中內容表示,大陸現時的情況是有大筆債項都是被隱藏和不透明,並且收藏在「影子銀 行」當中。該段文字又指,過多債款導致無法償還,放款者蒙大巨大損失的故事,在金融史上是無一例外,關鍵只在於何時發生,以及事件有多嚴重。而過往9個月 大陸銀行界多次發生銀根緊張正好反映這情況:

Anyone living in the rich West does not need a lecture on the perils of a financial system that creates too much credit too quickly. And in China's case, as was dangerously true in ours, a good deal of the debt is hidden, in specially created, opaque and largely financial institutions which we've come to call"shadow" banks.

There are no exceptions to the lessons of financial history: lending at that rate leads to debtors unable to meet their obligations, and to large losses for creditors; the question is not whether this will happen but when, and on what scale.

Which is why we've seen a couple of episodes of stress and tension in China's banking markets over the past nine months, as a possible augury of worse to come.


雖然中國製造業令西方人可以用更便宜的價錢購得生活所需,相對提升了生活質素,但是亦趕絕了不少西方製造商。而中國取得的貿易盈餘,亦令西方存有巨大逆差。Peston 又認為現時中國對各種商品的龐大需求亦搶高了食品、能源、商品價格,中國在亞洲和非洲影響力提升亦影響了國際關係的平衡。他認為一旦中國經濟轉差,對西方 而言未必是壞事。但是中國經濟如果突然無法再支撐人民有著不斷提升的生活水平,中國對世界將會造成危險影響:

The biggest story of my career has been the rise and rise of China. Hungry,fast-growing China has shaped our lives, sometimes but not always to our benefit.

It boosted our living standards, by selling us all those material things we simply had to have, cheaper and cheaper. But its exporters killed many of our manufacturers. And the financial surpluses it generated translated into our dangerous deficits, the secular and risky rise of indebtedness in much of the West.

Also its appetite has led to huge increases in the price we all pay for food, for energy, for commodities. What's more, China's influence in Asia and Africa has profoundly shifted the global balance of power.

So would an economically weakened China be good for us in the West? Well, it wouldn't necessarily be all bad.

But a China suddenly incapable of providing the rising living standards its people now see as their destiny would be less confident, less stable, and - perhaps for the world - more dangerous.

Robert Peston :Will China shake the world again?
from Just Getting By